April 28, 3008: A Long Journey Ahead

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Curling up on the soft pad I feel my eyes get heavier while I hum to myself the song I had heard not moments ago. I awoke to the sensation of something wet and rough rubbing against my nose. My eyes open slightly and all I see is a black nose and brown fur. Raising slightly I see it is a brown fox who was sniffing me in my sleep

"What the? Kenai, what are you doing here?" (You were supposed to stay home!) You see, Kenai is my familiar. A creature who assists with performing magic. They are usually cats, though any animal will do if you have a strong enough bond.

Kenai had woken me up just before the sun would rise over the horizon so I took some time to wake myself up. Walking back inside the house I see that Gandalf was the only one up at the moment. "Good morning Gandalf." "Good morning." He replies as I make my way over to the pantry to find some tea leaves.

I usually make tea and a piece of toasted bread every morning for breakfast. I finish my tea and watch the sunrise, I do a quick inventory of my bag making sure I have my essentials. Sleeping roll, extra clothes, extra blankets, some simple foods, tea leaves, and of course something I crafted myself, a collapsible fishing rod.

It came in handy when out in the wild especially when traveling with Kenai. "Oh Gandalf, do you mind if I bring Kenai?" He picks up his hat and places it on his head. "That would be up to Thorin." (Speak of the dwarf) "What is up to me?" Thorin asks,

"Do you mind if I bring my familiar along, he is a fox. He is also great at catching food." Thorin looks at my pleading eyes with a blank face "Sure, I'm not responsible for it of course. Just make sure it doesn't get in the way." Kenai will be of help as well since I taught the little guy to fight. I look down at Kenai (even if you are a coward)

The other dwarves get up one by one and all pile into the kitchen. I watch as each of them makes some form of breakfast. After everyone had eaten, we were making sure our bags were packed correctly. Gandalf glances back at the Hobbit hole and we continue walking. We make our way towards a market as it is early enough in the morning. "Make sure to gather enough supplies. We leave at 10." Thorin says as he went to pay for our ponies.

"Oh Thorin, by the way, I've got my ride covered already so don't worry about me." He nods his head and continues on his way. I see Dwalin from the corner of my eye take the weapons to be sharpened. I decide to just take a gander around and see if I can find anything useful. I end up finding the weaponsmith with Dwalin.

I take a look at all the weapons that have been made and a set of daggers catch my eye. They are pretty simple, but instead of silver, the metal is rose gold. The daggers themselves are also curved instead of stressful. They have an engraving going down the daggers ending in a simple swirl.

The words seem to be Elvish. The hilts are probably the best part of the blades. They are two dragons with their mouths open, tongues out crossing one another. The dragons are gold with purple embellishments. The handles are made from what looked like cherrywood. And there's an opal at each end of the handles. Being held by more gold and purple metal.

"Where did you come by these daggers? I know it's slim you made them since the handles are made from cherrywood and there is none of that around here. Plus the engraving is Elvish, and you sure don't look like an elf to me." I say to the Blacksmith, curious about the dagger's whereabouts.

"A traveler came through here and sold them hoping to make some easy money. Since you know so much about them, why don't you take them for yourself? They need to see some adventure instead of being put on display." He says to me,

(.o. Free weapons!) "Wait really? You're just giving them to me?" I question him, wondering if there's a catch. "Yes, they seem to call to you anyways." I take the daggers and sheath them, strapping them to my belt.

I walk out of the Weaponsmith waving to Dwalin and the Smith. Continuing to wander around I find Kili and Fili looking at some handmade jewelry. "Whatcha looking at?" I ask the two, making them jump. I notice they both shove something in their pockets.

(What are they hiding?) "Oh nothing, just some jewelry, anyways want to walk around with us?" Fili says changing the subject. "Sure, that would be lovely." Fili and Kili both hook their arms with mine and we walk around finding small bits and pieces to add to our supplies. I even found a small sketchbook and some portable art supplies to carry with me.

It was finally time to start our journey. We all meet up and start walking toward the ponies. Kili grabs two of them and starts to lead one toward me. However, I declined his offer of a pony.

"You're going to need something to ride." Fili said and I only smirked, "I know." I pulled a small metal tube out of my pocket and put it in my mouth. Blowing as hard as I can, the dwarves give me a confused look as no sound comes out. I put my finger in the air as if to say wait.

After a minute we then hear thumping coming from over the hill in the direction of my house. "Warg!" Thorin shouts as the big hairy dog only ignores his shouts and goes straight for me. It then leaps on top of me and starts licking my face. "Alright, Raja that's enough, that's enough ya big lug get off."

The dwarves are very confused as to why this warg was not attacking. "You can put your weapons away now. This is Raja, she is a warg runt who I rescued." "Woah, you rescued a warg!" Kili exclaims, "You can pet her if you want Kili, she won't bite." Kili comes over to let her sniff his hand and as she lowers her head he scratches between her ears.

With the riding situation figured out, we all set forth from the shire. "So who thinks Bilbo is gonna come with?" I ask. "I bet he won't, little thing has probably never even been out of the shire," Nori says. I smirk as I have a good gut feeling about Bilbo

"I'll take you up on that, I bet he will." The dwarves all place their bets and we continue for about five minutes. "Wait! Wait." Bilbo shouts. The company stops and turns to look at Bilbo. He runs towards Balin and hands him his signed contract. "I...signed it," Bilbo says, inhaling as he was out of breath.

Balin looks over his contract carefully with his monocle "Well, everything seems to be in order. Welcome Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield." Balin states happily. Bilbo glances over to Thorin who still has a stern look on his face. "Get him a pony," Thorin says pointing at the pony I had refused.

Though Bilbo shakes his head also refuses. "No, no, no, no. That...that won't be necessary. Thank you. I'm sure I can keep up on foot. Yeah, I...I've done my fair share of walking holidays, you know? Even got as far as Frog Morton once." Bilbo says as Fili and Kili hoist him up on a pony. "Alright, pay up!" I speak up with energy as I know at least one person owes me money. "What's that all about?" Bilbo questions.

"Oh, they all took wagers on whether or not you'd turn up. Most of them bet you wouldn't." Bilbo looks up towards Gandalf "And what did you guys think?" Gandalf answers "Well," we both catch a sack of coins tossed from the grumbling dwarves. "My dear fellow, I never doubted you for a second."

"Neither did I, Bilbo, I had a good feeling that you would join us." He smiles knowing that someone had some trust in him.

The next day we were riding along the trail when Bilbo suddenly sneezes "Oh, it's horsehair. Having a reaction. Uh...wait. Stop! Stop! We have to turn back around!" Gandalf looks down at the hobbit who was making a fuss. "What on earth is the matter?"

"I've forgotten my handkerchief." Bofur rips a piece of his clothing and hands it to Bilbo "Here! Use this." "Move on!" Thorin shouts to get the company moving. "Here Bilbo," I pull out a light yellow handkerchief with the initials *Your initials* with small embroidered sunflowers. "You can have this, I have a couple of them."

"You'll have to manage without pocket handkerchiefs, and a good many other things Bilbo Baggins, before we reach our journey's end. You were born to the rolling hills and little rivers of the Shire. But home is now behind you. The world is ahead."

(Poor Bilbo, never been on an adventure before today. He'll probably die before it's over) I put my hand over my mouth at that thought. "What's wrong?" Kili asks me as he is riding beside me. "Oh nothing, just some negative thoughts making their way into my head."

-1608 (Sorry it's really short)

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