July 5-July 8, 3008: The Goblin Cave Nightmare

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"Wake up!"

I still had my eyes closed trying to get even a second more sleep.

"Wake up all of you!"

I woke up to feel Kili peel his arms from around my waist. My face turns flushed red as I think upon how he must have held me. Though it doesn't last long, my heart sinks in my chest as I feel the floor below start to give way.

I kick off any covers and back up to the cold cave wall as far as humanly possible. Though it proved to be no use as we fell into a long dark tunnel. I could feel the wind rushing through my ripped clothes. The Dwarves all fell on top of one another and I unfortunately happened to land first.

"Ow!" I could feel the goblins grab us one by one. Their claws sinking into my shoulder and tearing my clothes practically off. If I wasn't already bruised I would be now. They manage to pull my bow and quiver from my back and I feel one of the grimy goblins pull my dagger from its sheath.

Thankfully I still had enough strength to pull it back and hide it away under my skirt. I was smart enough to buy thigh holsters for my daggers. (Just wish I would have only bought one. Not like I need the second one anymore.)

The Goblins pull and push us to their liking trying to tame our crowd. I look for Kili and see he is battling one of the Goblins. I look over to my right and surprisingly see Bilbo also fighting a Goblin. I push my way through to Bilbo to try and help, the Goblin leaps on top of him. It bit into his shoulder (That's bound to leave a nasty mark.)

Bilbo staggers back and hits the wooden railing, this causes him to fall over the rocky edge. "Bilbo!" I push through the Goblins and dive over the edge. I am free falling when my vision gets darker and darker till I can no longer see. All I feel is the wind rushing past my face. I have no clue where the bottom is or how hard the landing will be.

I bring my hands to what I think is my face, using the magic to create a light. Quickly thinking I make a mossy shield to at least cushion somewhat of the fall. I land with an "oomph"

I lay on the ground for a minute groaning about the fall. It wasn't so bad but I pick up the sound of something whistling through the air. I roll over quickly to avoid what is falling. It lands quickly with a thud.

(It's my bow and quiver)

I grasp my bearings and slowly stand. My hands swirl with magic to create light, but I put it out quickly. The Goblin Bilbo fought lay near him and I don't want to bring attention to him. It's struggling for air, I pull my hand to my mouth to cover the gasp when I feel something touch my ankle.

To my relief it is just Bilbo waking up and searching for something to reel him into reality. I look down at him and he looks up at me. We both then look towards the dark cavern when we hear a noise.

I pull Bilbo behind some large mushrooms to hide. This creature walks on all fours toward the Goblin. "Yes, yes, yes!" It starts to cough "Gollum. Gollum."

(I guess that's its name?)

Gollum drags the Goblin by its feet when suddenly it springs to life. The panic sets in Gollum's eyes and he grabs the nearest rock. He pounds it against the Goblin's head, finishing it off. As he is killing the Goblin, my quick hearing picks up a small noise. Like metal hitting against the floor.

The Goblin falls backwards and Gollum pulls it into the darkness. "Nasty goblinses. Better than old bones, precious. Better than nothing!"

Once out of sight Bilbo and I come out from behind the mushrooms. He finds his sword and it is still glowing a bright blue color as my bow is. I grab my two items and secure them around my chest. The blue light fades in and out.

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