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"Come on kook! It's a dare! Why are you avoiding it? Unless.... You are sca-"

"No I'm not scared! I will do it, come with me chim"

"No koo! You need to do it alone"

"You too should join me-"

"Oh come on scaredy cat!"

"Enough! I'll go inside" Jungkook pressed his foot silently inside the abandoned house.

"I hope there aren't any ghosts here" he whispered to himself while he said many prayers internally.

Honestly he wasn't as brave as he seems. He looks like a badboy but is a soft baby inside.

"Ok here goes nothing... I just need to go to the top room, click a selfie and return back. I can do it. Fighting!" He encouraged himself.

He walked towards the top floor while silence and darkness engulfed him.

"Ok... Here I go.... If I die here, that shortie will be responsible for it"

The door made a creaking sound as he opened it.

"Hi ghost... I'm here to take a selfie, please don't mind me, enjoy your quality time. Don't eat me please..."

He raised his hands to click a selfie when he saw something... basically a human shadow in the screen.

He started to panic and slowly turned around, mumbling some prayers.

"W-who are you?"

"Huh? Me?"


"You can see me?"

"O-of course I c-can"


"W-what are you doing h-here?"

"Oh I'm- I'm here to umm... Sleep! No, eat! No, chill! Yeah... I'm here to chill. I know it's weird but I like creepy places" he said laughing awkwardly.

"You're weird bro... Let's get outta here. Lemme just take a selfie"

"I-I'm not coming outside! I like it in here"


"Umm... Can we be friends?"


"Actually I don't have many friends, because everyone thinks I'm weird and creepy"

"You aren't creepy! You are handsome as hell!" Jungkook covered his mouth as he realised what he said just now.

The other giggled and then gave him a hand to shake.

"Kim Taehyung" he said smiling.

"Jeon Jungkook" he accepted his hand smiling.

"I'll go now. Maybe I can visit you tomorrow?"

"Sure! Thank you Jungkook!"

"It's ok Taehyung. But, I'll come here at morning. I'm scared at night" he said hugging himself

"Ok as you wish" he chuckled at the other's adorable behaviour.

"Ok then, Bye bye! Have a good night!"

"Good night Jungkook" he smiled to himself as he watched his new friend run downstairs.

My new friend...


New storyyyyyyy!!!!

I've put a lot of imaginary things in this book

Hope you liked it

Byebye love y'all <333

Immortal love- Taekook ✅Where stories live. Discover now