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"Here! Now you know I'm not a scaredy cat" Jungkook said mocking Jimin.

"Y-yeah... Umm... Can I change the colour, my dear jungkookieeee"

"Haha no chim, pink is fixed"

"I don't care, I'll look good in any hair"

"I agree on that.. oh you know!"


"Uh nothing. I'll tell you later"

Jungkook closed the stuff he was about to tell because it would take a lot of time explaining and he was sleepy right now.

"Ok then. Good night kook! Yoongi's picking me up"

"Lucky ass. I guess I have to walk with my imaginary boyfriend as usual"

"Your love life sucks bro"

"I know that bro. Now go! You are standing here to remind me how single I am?"

"No Jungkookie, bye bye. Good night"

"Good night bitch"


"Ha! You deserve that"




"Ok guys stop it! I'm here, baby let's go"

"Yes boyfie! I'm coming" Jimin stuck his tongue out and gave a 'you-don't-have-a-boyfriend' look which annoyed poor kookie.

"You lil piece of shit!"

"Bye bye kookie" Jimin gave an innocent smile before getting in yoongi's car and driving off.

"Wow I'm alone now. Couldn't that bitches drop me home?"

Mumbling this, Jungkook walked to his house.


"Where have you been?"

"I was with Jimin, dad"

"That shit-"

"Don't you dare dad! He's my bestfriend! He's no bad influence to me, you do this to every friend of mine which left me with no friends!"

"Shut up Jungkook!"

"Why am I even explaining? Not that you'll understand me" he scoffed before walking off to meet his safe place, his mom.

"Mom! Can't you just divorce this man?"

"Aww Jungkookie... Did he say something again? It's ok my baby"

"It's not okay mom"

"We have to deal with it, dear. There's no choice. We don't have the money to live on our own. So we are left with no choice. Please get used to it baby... For me"

"Yes mom, I know and I've been dealing with this man all these years for you mom. I'm okay.. I can carry on like this I guess"

"That's my baby! I love you my honeybun"

"I love you too mom"


Immortal love- Taekook ✅Where stories live. Discover now