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(A/N: It's been over three weeks since taekook met)

"Kook do you wanna go to the Karaoke with us?"

"No! I'll be third-wheeling there! Besides I have to go a little early today. Bye bitch"

"Bye kooks"


"Taetae! I'm here"


"What happened?"


"You didn't want me to come?"

"N-no that's not the issue" he said while insides were repeatedly shouting 'you shouldn't have come today Jungkook'

"Ok then..."

"Let's do something for a bit and after that I'll have to tell you something"

"Oh... Ok"

They ate basically Jungkook ate. Taehyung gave an excuse that he wasn't hungry.

They were watching some videos on YouTube. Jungkook was laughing watching some guy do funny stuff.

But, Taehyung wasn't concentrating at all. He wasn't ready to lose Jungkook yet. He wanted friends. But he started liking Jungkook so it's damn hard to let him go.

"What's wrong Tae? Tell me please, you aren't watching this"

"Umm... It's actually... I-I kinda like y-you" he whispered while a light red shade spread on his cheeks.

"O-oh that was so sudden-"

"Oh I'm sorry"

"No no! It's totally ok! Actually I like you too" he replied smiling.

"Huh why aren't you smiling? Aren't you happy?"

"Ofcourse I am" he said with a sad smile.

"Then why do you look so sad?"

"Kook... Don't be angry because I didn't tell you this earlier"

"What is it Tae? tell me!"

"I-I'm not a-alive"

"Ok... WHAT?! You're joking I know"

"I'm not. I died about 4 years ago"

"Wtf! You really dead? You're telling me that you are a ghost?!"


After a long explanation-

"This is so unbelievable. Ok so basically you are dead now. You are a ghost. Namjoon hyung is a ghost too. And I can see ghosts. That's why I'm seeing you"


"Everything makes sense now. The time you told me not to talk to you while we were out and every time I offered food, you said no"

"H-how are you feeling?"

"Lemme just digest this. It is too much" he ran his fingers over his hair.

"Now you can decide if you still like me or now. It's ok you can say no it's natural. Who'd want to be in a relationship with a ghost?" He said giggling, sadness hid in those giggles.

"No tae... Just gimme some time. And now I still like you don't worry"


"Yeah.. don't worry" he smiled, reassuring Taehyung.

"You're the best bun!" He picked his up and kissed him which Jungkook gladly returned.

"But I have a doubt"

"What is it?"

"According to stories or books, after a person dies, they go to hell or heaven right? Why are you still here?"

"Ok so souls who has to finish some work or get revenges umm.... Basically, unfinished business. These souls stays here until the business is finished. Got it?"

"Oh so what's your purpose of staying?"

"Leave that for now! I'm so happy right now! I love you baby!"

"I love you too Taetae!!!"


Immortal love- Taekook ✅Where stories live. Discover now