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"Where were you yesterday?" His uncle asked as he came downstairs, rubbing his eyes.

"Oh good morning uncle!"

"Good morning kookie. You are making breakfast? Oh wow"

"I know how to cook. Come sit"

"Woah I'm excited to taste my nephew's food"

"You made this?"

"Ofcourse! How is it?"

"Umm... I don't know kooks, it's..." He made a disappointed face to mess with Jungkook.


"It's fucking good!"

"God! I-I was disappointed at myself for a moment. Cuz everyone I've cooked for, liked it"

"Aww I'm sorry kookie I was just joking. Did I make my baby sad?" he said hugging Jungkook.

"I told you I'm not a baby!" He pouted and his uncle just enjoyed teased him.

"I'll go back today"

"Yeah you told me yesterday"


"Kook, I wanna go to a museum. Can you take me there?"

"Yeah and baby, I wanna spend time with you"

"And after that we can go a amusement park?"

"Yay! Ok!"


"Thanks for taking me here.. but ticket money?"

"I guess this time, I have to remind you that you are a ghost" Jungkook said laughing.

"Oh you're right" Namjoon replied laughing.

"Ok then I'll go in"

"Bye hyung!"

"Tae where do you wanna go?"

"Doesn't matter as long as I'm with you"

"Then let's go to my house and watch a movie?"



"Mom I'm hom- oh..." He forgot about his mom.

Taehyung noticed this.


"Y-yes baby?"

"Gimme a kiss" he said pouting.

Jungkook laughed between his tears and tackled him down to give him a kiss.

"I *kiss* love *kiss* you *kiss* so *kiss* much *kiss*"

Jungkook giggled at his boyfriend's behaviour. His mood was lifted now. No matter how much he thanked the god for giving him a boyfriend like Taehyung, it still felt less every time.

"I love you soo much Tae" he smiled and showered his face with kisses.

"I'm soooo lucky to have you! For the first time, I'm happy your dad killed me. Otherwise we wouldn't have even met"

"I think I should thank jiminie for giving me the dare to go inside the house"

"Jiminie? Who?"

"Oh he's my bestest friend"

"Bestest huh? He is better than me?"

Jungkook noticed that Taehyung was jealous so he decided to tease him more.

"He is perfect! He is handsome, kind, caring, he was with me in every important moments of my life"

"O-oh is he single?" He asked gritting his teeth.

"Yeah he is. He even asked me out on a date but I said no. If I would've accepted that, I wouldn't have been here with you" he teased him more.

"Oh really? Then I guess you should go back to him"

"You jelly?" He laughed.

"I'm not!"

"Aww look at you, sooo cute!"

"Stop it"

"Don't be jealous baby... He is taken and he is just my bestfriend. We know each other since childhood that's all"

"He didn't confess?"

"Why would he? He is with yoongi, whom he had a crush on since childhood. We three were always together. It turned out chim and yoongs liked each other since then"


"You are my first love and last" he smiled and kissed him.

"I love you so much baby"

"I love you too, my lil ghost"

"I guess Namjoon hyung must be done by now"

"Yeah let's go pick him up and then..."

"The amusement park!" They yelled out together.


"Tae! Hyung! The roller coaster!!!"

"Baby, please don't talk... People are staring at you"

"I don't care what people think! I'm talking to my hyung and my boyfriend. I'm happy and no one can stop me!" He said smiling. He pulled them, holding their hands and ran to the roller coaster.

"As long as you are happy"

"Excuse me sir. My friends are sitting here"

"Here? I can't see them tho"

"Nobody can see them, but I can" he smiled.

"This boy's weird" the man mumbled and walked to another seat.

"Woohoooo!!" They all yelled as the roller coaster went down suddenly.


"It was soo fun! Let's go to the Ferris wheel now" Namjoon suggested pulling Taekook.

As they reached the maximum height, they took their time to enjoy the beautiful sight in front of them. The beautiful night, the park full of lights, happy people.

"It's so beautiful..."

"It is baby" they kissed each other.

"This time I ain't gonna fake gag. You guys really look cute together. It's a beautiful thing that you guys have. Thank you for making my brother happy, Jungkook. I've never seen him this happy" he said as a tear slipped his eyes.

Hyung is crying?! Jungkook thought quite shocked as his own eyes started to well up.

"Hyungie..." They both got up and hugged Namjoon tightly.

"We love you hyung"

"I love you too my babies"

This shit hurts so bad...  "Guys, let's go home... I'm kinda tired"

"Ok Tae" Jungkook smiled while Namjoon looked at Taehyung giving him a saf smile as he remembered what was going to happen tonight.


They were at the house.

"Let's sleep" Jungkook said.

"Kook... You forgot?"


"Baby, today is our..."

"N-no I-I—"

"Baby, don't cry please"

"Is it really tonight? Please tell me it isn't"

"It is tonight kook"


Immortal love- Taekook ✅Where stories live. Discover now