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"Took everything kook?"

"Yes hyung. Tae ready?"

"Yes bun! I'm feeling so excited I don't know why"

"Me too" Jungkook giggled.

They got inside Jungkook's dad's— sorry mom's car.
Everything was mom's in the first place, remember?

It was midnight when they left for Jeon enterprises.


They reached the Jeon enterprises and stared at the tall building in front of them.



They entered. Jungkook wore a mask because there were security cameras around them.

"Tae, stand here and Namjoon hyung here and I'll go inside. Tell me if someone's still here"

They showed a thumbs-up and Jungkook proceeded to enter the ceo's aka his dad's office.

He opened the computer trying to find some information.

"Hyung!" he whisper-yelled.


"It's password protected"

"Oh let me see... Woah still hasn't changed the password? Your father's a Dumbo according to me"

"But his dumbness saved us now" he said chuckling.

"That's right. Now I'll go back tell me if you need any help"

"But how do you know this?"

"What do expect from an assistant?"

"You used to be an assistant?"

"You saw it now"

"Right go back now"


"Private folder?... Oh wow password again! But it's a four digit one. Ok I can do this. Think Jungkook!"

"My birth year?.... No"

"Mom's?..... No"

"His own?..... Yes! Now let's see what's inside it"

"Oh my god... There's so many illegal stuff here! You're a dead me Jeon"

"Namjoon hyung, the pendrive"




"Done! Hyung, Tae I did it!"

"Baby! Someone's here. Go hide! Fast!"

There were no hiding space in that office so Jungkook just switched off the computer and hid under the table where he was working just now.

"Hello! Someone here?"

"Hello! Anybody here?"

"Come out fast and surrender or else I'll call the police!"

"Kook listen I have and idea"



"Can you just stop shouting you old man?" Jungkook stood up from under the table.

"Who are you?!"

"That doesn't matter. What are you doing here old man?"

"I work here and don't you dare call me old man. Now tell me why are you here?!"

"Wow the office changed a lot after my death" he said looking around.

"After your what?!"

"Death. Never heard of that word?"

"S-s-s-so you're telling me you are a g-g-g-g—"

"Yes I am a ghost. Now it's your turn to die!"

"AHHHHH—" *thump*

"Oh shit! Is he dead?"

"No he's breathing" Namjoon said after checking.

"It's the best chance let's get outta here!" Taehyung said.


The three ran to the car before driving off to the house.

"Thank you hyung for your fantastic idea! And thank you tae for telling me the 'old man' trick. Did you guys see his face? He got so offended!" Jungkook laughed at which the others joined.


"What is in the pendrive baby?"

"We've got enough proof to send him behind bars. There were some huge transaction receipts, some e-mails, and many illegal stuffs inside that private folder. And all that is in this small thing now" he said showing the pendrive.

"Get ready to see him fall...."


Immortal love- Taekook ✅Where stories live. Discover now