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"What is it baby?"

"After our revenge, we'll only have one week till we totally vanish from earth"

"W-what.... P-please don't l-lie Tae"

"I'm telling the truth..."

"That means you have only 6 days now"

"Are you okay, baby?"

"I-I wanna go b-back"


Jk's POV:

Why! Why does it have to be like this?!

I was so happy to see his destruction but now...

Why do I do now.... I can't lose Taehyung and hyung.


"Where are you going baby? House is this way"

"I'm going to my house. I'll come tomorrow"

"Ok bye"

No words were shared after that. They went to the opposite directions.


"Mom I'm home"

"Hey kookie- why do you look so sad baby?"

"Nothing, just...."

"It's ok, tell me when you feel ok"

"Thank you mom"


Jungkook sat on his desk and decided to do some of his homework.

He wanted to get his mind off Taehyung. He tried to concentrate more.

Suddenly he heard a knock on his window. He looked up from his book and saw Taehyung.

"What are you doing outside in this cold?! You're gonna get sick!"

"I'm not a human, remember?"

"Oh right... Anyways w-why are you here?"

"I wanted to tell you that, we should live happily till the moment we have. If not, we both are gonna regret and you know that"

"I-I was thinking the same"

"So baby...?"

"Ok... Let's be happy right now"

He smiled. "I came here to tell you another thing"

"Don't tell me you are breaking up-"

"No no! Your dad.. he committed suicide"

"What?! Really?"


"Oh... I'm a bit sad but I know he's gonna end up in hell" he giggled.

"Who are you talking to kook?"

"I'm on the phone mom! Do you wanna hear something?" He asked opening the door to his room.


"Dad committed suicide"

"Oh fuck. All those things must've been too much to handle" he said with a smirk.

"You are more happy than I am mom!"

"I know right. I gotta go and make dinner"

"Ok mom" as she exited, he closed the door behind her.

"I love your mom. She's so cool!"

"Of course she's my mom. You should stay here tonight" Jungkook suggested.

Immortal love- Taekook ✅Where stories live. Discover now