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"Mom!!!! I love you soooo muchhh!!" He ran inside his house and hugged him mom tightly.

"What happened baby?" She smiled hugging her son.

"You see this?"

"A pendrive?"

"Yes. Now this is gonna decide his future"

"You mean- oh my god kook you did it! I'm so proud of you!" She kissed his forehead.

"Let him come home today. I can't wait to see his reaction!"

"Me too. I just wanna kick his helpless face!"


"Oh you came dad? I was waiting for you" Jungkook said with the most sweetest yet fakest smile ever.

"What is it" his father said in a cold tone.

"I'll tell you dad. First, let's have dinner. Who knows maybe you can't eat dinner after this?" He whispered the last part to himself.


"Now tell me what it is"

"Let mom come, dad"

"I'm here kookie! Here's a popcorn for you and this is for me. Start!"

"Ok so... Mom is taking her company back" he said smiling as he stuffed his mouth with popcorns.

"W-what? You bitch! Baby, are you hearing this? Did this bitch manipulate you?!"

"Don't baby me and no, he didn't. It's my choice. Afterall it's my company. Not only that, this house is also mine. So I suggest you to get out of here after kookie tells you another thing that'll shake your world"

"What is it dear jungkookie..." His father tried to act sweet to which Jungkook did a puking action.

"Don't act so sweet, old man. I'm gonna get diabetes. Ok so the thing is in this pendrive. I've taken enough information from your computer's..."

"Private folder!? N-no no! You're lying!"

"He's not lying sweetie. We've got everything to ruin you"

"P-please! Please I'll do anything! Please don't! I'll do anything you want!"

"Anything?" Jungkook smirked.

"Yes yes anything!"

"Then it's easy mom! Go and turn yourself to police"

"No way in the hell I'm doing that!"

"Oh then don't worry, we'll take care of everything"


Immortal love- Taekook ✅Where stories live. Discover now