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"I'm taking you somewhere today and before you say something, I don't care if people will think I'm crazy. I'm gonna talk to you in public!"

"What did I even do to deserve you?"

"I know I'm the best"

Taehyung chuckled before pulling Jungkook to his lap.

And... they started making out, a part of their daily life.


"I'm confused... Which one should I wear?"

"Everything looks good on my baby. I'm confused myself"

"You're so cheesy!"

"Kookie! Who are you talking to?"

"U-uh I'm on my phone mom"

"Oh I thought it was that Taehyung guy"

"M-mom don't say anything further!"

"Why shouldn't I say anything. According to you, he's handsome and he's gonna be my son-in-law" his mom simply replied because that's what Jungkook had told his mom about Taehyung.

He covered his face with hands due to embarrassment while on the other hand, Taehyung was enjoying how his mom was throwing all of his secrets out.

As his mom continued, he started laughing.

"Shut up bitch!" Jungkook said to Taehyung.

"Jungkook you-"

"No no not you mom! I was saying that to Jimin on the phone"

"Oh I thought you called your perfect and beautiful mom a bitch"

"No no mom you misunderstood. Now lemme get ready I'm going on a date with my boyfriend!"

"Your what?! When? Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Mom, Taehyung's my boyfriend"

"Bitch I need the details"

"After I return, mom"

"Good luck baby"

The mother and son finished their conversation while Taehyung was laughing his ass off.

"Oh god! S-she called you a bitch! I love your mom already! Bitch. HAHAHAA"

"Now you better shut up bitch"

"Yeah yeah sorry bitch"
And like that they both burst out laughing.


"Movies? Woah it's been about 5 years since I've watched a movie"

"I know right. Let's sit on our seats"

"Hey hottie... Is this seat occupied?" A girl asked while bending down and showing off her cleavage.

"Yes it is. And FYI I'm gay and I have a boyfriend. This is his seat"

"Ugh! Why is every person I like gay nowadays?" She mumbled some more stuff while walking towards her seat.

"Poor girl... That was cruel baby" Taehyung chuckled.

"Oh that was cruel? Then lemme just call her back and make her sit on my lap." He smirked.

"Don't you dare bun"

"Yeah you know I will not. Unfortunately I'm gay.... she was hot"

"Will you shut up? The movie's starting" he said with jealousy clear in his voice.

Jungkook smiled proudly, making Taehyung jealous.

Oh god I love him!


Immortal love- Taekook ✅Where stories live. Discover now