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"No hyung! I don't wanna lose you guys. Please stay! Please I-I can't l-live"

"I can't see you like this.. I'm so sorry, love" he said as he hugged the crying boy.

"Please Jungkook stop crying... It's already hard for us"

"Please love... For me..."

"No! Don't go please! Does no one love me?! Everyone is leaving me! My mom and now you guys! Nobody loves me! I want you guys in my life. N-no I don't wanna lose you!"

Both of them looked at the vulnerable boy in their arms.

"B-baby please..."


"H-hyung... You..."

"What happened kook?"

"Tae you too... "

"What is happening love?"

"You are getting transparent. I-I can see through you! No! You guys are becoming invisible! No! Don't go!"

"We love you so much"

"I'll love you forever, my love. I-it's time..." He kissed the boy.


"I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! DON'T LEAVE ME! NOOOOO!" Jungkook yelled like crazy.

"We're sorry bunny..."

"N-no" he whispered as they both disappeared into the air.

"I d-don't wanna l-live" he kept repeating the same thing over and over again.

"I DON'T WANNA LIVE!" He yelled and ran out of that abandoned building and to his house.


"I DON'T WANN—" a loud crash. Many people ran to him, shouting loudly.

"I-I don't w-wanna l-live. Let me d-die"

People shouting to call and ambulance was the last thing he hears before silence and darkness engulfed him.


When he woke up, he felt himself laying on the softest bed ever, with people around him. His vision was still a blur to recognise the place or the people.

He blinked a few more times till he got the clear vision of where he was.


"Yes baby?"

"Wow great why am I seeing you in my dreams"

"This isn't a dream" he smiled.

"Wtf? Who are you? You look like my boyfriend!"

"Get up baby, look around"

"What? Where am I?"

"A place where angels like you should belong"

"Angels.... Heaven?! Am I dead?!"

"I don't think you'd be up here for other reason"

"So I really died huh?"

"Yes baby... But how did you?"

"An accident" he said smiling.

"I love you so much Tae! I love you so much"

"I love you too baby"

"This is weird but I'm glad I died and now...  I don't want this to ever end"

Taehyung smiled and said "Maybe heaven is meant to be our 'happily ever after' place and this will never end..."

Every single thing in this universe may have an ending but their love for each other will be
forever immortal...

~The end~

Immortal love- Taekook ✅Where stories live. Discover now