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Jungkook groaned when the sunrays slapped his face.

He felt like his head was on something soft but it's not a pillow I'm sure.

He looked up and saw the most beautiful thing.
Taehyung's face of course.

Taehyung's hands on Jungkook's waist and- basically cuddling.

He took a really long time to admire the beauty in front of him. That's when Taehyung started to move a little. Jungkook knew he was waking up so he closed his eyes pretending to be asleep. He didn't wanna be caught staring at Tae.

While the older woke up, the first thing he did was look at the boy in his arms. He was checking out Jungkook's beautiful facial features when Jungkook decided to stop the act.

He pretended to groan and rub his eyes to show he woke up now. He turned to Taehyung.

"We were cuddling?"

"That's what I can see here" Taehyung answered pecking Jungkook's cheek and getting up.

Jungkook blushed before following Taehyung.
They were walking downstairs when Jungkook suddenly received a call from Jimin.



"Kook come fast!"


"My house!!!"


"Please kook help me! Come fast please!" His voice sounded like he was about to cry.

"Something happened?"

"Come and help me please I'm begging you!"

At this point, Jungkook was sure his bestfriend is in danger by the tone of his voice.

"Yes I'm coming!"

He ran to Taehyung, kissed his cheek saying he'd come back tomorrow and ran outside leaving a confused Taehyung inside.


"Jimin! What happened? Are you ok?!"
Jungkook said while breathing heavily.

"Calm down kook I want you to choose a shirt from these three. I'm going on a date" he said smiling widely.

"Should I stop myself from killing you?"

"Huh? Why would you kill me kookie?"

Jungkook made an 'are you serious' face before slapping him lightly mumbling "fuck you bitch"


Currently Jungkook was sitting in his room doing some assignments.

He tries concentrating but seems like his brain is craving for a certain someone.

You already guessed it.

To distract himself, he decided to eat snacks before stu-dying again.
He walked downstairs to the kitchen where he met his dad on the way.

Seeing Jungkook, his father turned the attention from TV.
"Where were you yesterday?"

"I was at my friend's place. And! Before you start scolding, he is no bad influence, he is not a bad guy"


"I suggest you stop right there. It's my life and I'll be the one making decisions for me not you"

"How dare you—"

"And one more thing. I'm gay. Thank you for listening"

"Ugh! Would you just lemme speak? And my son can't be gay-"

"Sorry but I didn't ask for your opinion"

"You son of a-"

Seeing his father silent, he turned around to see his mom intensely staring at his dad.

Mom's stare made dad shut up?!
Jungkook thought.

"Yeah I have nothing to do with it anyway" his dad walked off.

A shocked Jungkook turned to his mom.

"How did he..." He was speechless. The tiger turned into a cat with just a stare.

"Mom's power, kookie" his mom said flipping her hair.

"Woah. Anyways I'm here for snacks mom"

"Ok..... Here"



He entered his room and felt some kind of power inside.

It was the first time he stood up really confidently in front of his dad and gave some fucking good answers.

He got goosebumps thinking about how his mom controlled his dad but was a little confused by it because usually dad would be the one to shut mom up.

He couldn't wait to tell this to Taehyung.

He'll be proud of me!


Immortal love- Taekook ✅Where stories live. Discover now