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After the movie, the couple decided to walk to the house. 

They were holding hands, the environment feels so good for a couple to walk in. The road to the house was empty. No vehicles, no humans, no noise or disturbances.

Everything was going perfect until Jungkook decided to ask him something.


"Yes bun?"

"Can you tell me the reason you are still on earth?"

"Why do you wanna finish it?"

"Maybe... I can try"

"Do you wanna send me away from here?"

"N-no but..."

He sighed before answering, "Reason of my death was murdering. The CEO of xxx group killed me"

"Oh my- why..."

"Because Namjoon hyung and me knew his dirty little secret and we could send him to jail in just seconds. Now you know..."

"O-oh I'm sorry Tae"

"Why are you sorry bun?"

"You're right. That man should be sorry and I'll make him sorry"

"You shouldn't do that, love"

"But I wanna..." He whined.

"Remember you are sending me away" he said chuckling.

"Oh right"


"Ghosts really don't eat anything? Aren't you guys hungry?"

"No Jungkook we can't eat anything nor feel hunger"

"Ohhhh so hyung, you guys don't bath too?"

Namjoon laughed because of the boy's questions.

"No bun, we don't do anything humans do. We don't have anything you guys have, not even a body"

"This is just like the horror books I read. But the only difference is that, the ghost in the book is dangerous and harms others but you guys are angels. I'm telling you, you guys are definitely gonna go to heaven"

"Hope so" Namjoon ruffled Jungkook's hair before walking off to his room.

"Let's sleep, love. It's getting late"

"Yeah wait... How come you guys sleep?"

"We don't sleep, we just spend our time doing something"

"So what do you do?"

"I lay beside you, cuddling you"

"I love you baby"

"I love you too bun"


They were on the bed. Engulfed with comfortable silence when Jungkook decided to break it.

"What is the name of the CEO, Tae?"

"Oh you really wanna know don't you?" He smiled.

He eagerly nodded his head.

"He is... Jeon Han-seo"


Immortal love- Taekook ✅Where stories live. Discover now