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"Yeah... She said she'd give it to me but she knows I had no interest in businesses and stuff. So she wanted to give you the company"

"Oh my god- this is a big- oh my what should I say-"

"Please uncle, don't say no. It was her last wish"

"How can I..."


He sighed. "Ok"

"Thank you so much. No doubt I love you more than your brother- I mean dad. Nah, I don't wanna call him dad!"

"You shouldn't call him dad. Even though he was my brother, I have to say that he was a cruel man. He wasn't worth your and your mom's love"

Jungkook smiled softly.
"I love you so much!"

"I love you too my lil cookie"

"I told you I'm not little!" He whined causing the other to laugh.


"You're here baby"

"Yes I am! I wanna take you guys somewhere!"

"Of course you should! We only have two days"

"Don't say that hyung! I'll kill you if you say that again"

"How are you gonna kill a dead?" The brothers burst out laughing.

"Can you guys just shut up"

"By the way where are you taking us?"

"It's a surprise. Just keep it mind that we're going for a drive tonight"

"Ooooo I love late night drives!"


"I-it's so cold right?"

"We don't know kook"

"Oh god! I keep forgetting"

"The night's so pretty... Look at the stars"

Namjoon removed his head from the sunroof. His hands wide. Even though he isn't feeling the air, he knows he is enjoying it.

"It's really pretty hyung"

"Not prettier than you" Taehyung passed a comment making Jungkook smile.

"Now ready for the surprise?"

"What is it? My curiosity is at it's peak"

"Hyung... Just close your eyes"


"Hyung... Look it's our home"

"I know Tae..."

"Hyung I miss mom and dad"

"I do too... Now don't cry you baby"

"Can we just go in and see them?"

They looked back at Jungkook who smiled and motioned them to go in.

"I miss the warmth of our home. Unfortunately I can't feel that"

"Look hyung! Mom and dad!"

"Where?" He looked inside a room and saw their mom and dad sleeping peacefully.

"Hyung come with me!" Taehyung pulled Namjoon with him.


"Let's lay down with them please?"

"Is it really necessary?"

"Ok then" he said and laid down beside his mom.

"You don't wanna lay down? But until you remember how many days we have left" he smirked.

Namjoon didn't say further.

He laid down beside his dad and they both wrapped their arms around their parents.
The thing they are feeling right now, no words can't describe it.

They got up and left because they didn't want Jungkook to wait too long outside at cold and dark.

They both ran to Jungkook and hugged him tight.

"You are the best baby"

"Thank you so much kook"

"We love you"

"My heart is full right now, I don't need anything else"


"You guys wanna go somewhere tomorrow?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow"

"Baby, why don't you stay here today?"

"Tae, my uncle's here. So I have to be with him. He'll be gone tomorrow"

"So you'll stay tomorrow?" Taehyung pouted.

"Don't be sad, my lil ghost. I love you sooo much"

"I love you tooo"

"Ewwww couple stuffs. I'm Outta here!" Namjoon fake gagged and left the couple alone.

They laughed at joon's funny behaviour.

After some hugs and kisses, Jungkook left for his house.


Immortal love- Taekook ✅Where stories live. Discover now