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"And mom made that man shut up! She looked so cool!" Jungkook kept babbling about yesterday's incident while Taehyung just enjoyed listening to the younger.

"And I was-"

"You're so cute" Taehyung chuckled, while ruffling the bunny's hair.

And it made his mouth close and cheeks red.


"Do you wanna come to my house?"

"No! Sorry- no"

"It's ok but why aren't you going out?"

"I have my reasons kookie and I'll tell you soon I guess"


"Koo?" He hummed.

"Can I hug you?"

"Huh? Ok?"

Taehyung hugged the boy and was about to kiss his cheek when Jungkook accidentally turned his head and his lips got the kiss.

Jungkook was flustered so was Taehyung. But Taehyung wanted to kiss those lips once again.

"May I?"

Jungkook just nodded not being able to throw out words. His cheeks red like an apple and eyes closed waiting for the second one.

Taehyung attached his lips once again. Did a ten seconds kiss before pulling out. Taehyung was on cloud nine and we could tell that from his face.

And Jungkook was so shy that he didn't say anything.

"I-I'm gonna buy something to eat"

"Ok I'll stay here"

"Do you want anything?"

"No I'm full now" he smirked.

Jungkook showed him a thumbs up before grabbing his wallet and running out.


"Where is this going Taehyung?" His brother's voice came in a very warning tone.

"I don't know hyung... I think I like him but..."

"I told you the very first day to tell him the truth then he'll decide if he wants to stay or not"

"I'm so sorry hyung. What do I do now?"

"Tell him the truth when he comes back"

"I-I can't hyung... What if h-he left me?"

"Tae... Hyung is here don't worry. If he wants to leave, let him. We can't hide the truth and keep him here forever. He is a human and he has life Tae..."

"Hyung... Can I tell him tomorrow. I don't want to lose him today we j-just kissed. I'm happy hyung.... please?"

Namjoon sighed before nodding his head.

"I'll tell him tomorrow, I promise"

Namjoon kissed his brother's forehead and walked off.


"You sure you don't want anything?"

"No bun" he smiled and replied while he was crying inside.

"Can I kiss you one more time... What if it's our last day meeting?"

"You're gonna commit suicide?!"

"No no bun" he chuckled at the younger's scared face.

"It's just that... Ugh! I'll tell you tomorrow.... Now may I baby?"


Their lips attached again, fitting like pieces of a puzzle. Perfect together.


Immortal love- Taekook ✅Where stories live. Discover now