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"Bye mom!"

"I'm glad you found a new friend.. please don't let dad know or you'll not have him too"

"I know mom"

"By the way.... is he handsome?" His mother teased him.

"Y-yeah he is"

"Aww are you blushing"

"No mom! Byebye!"

"Bye kook!"


"Taehyung, I'm here..." He said peeking inside the room where they met yesterday.

It was morning but the place still scared him. It looked as creepy as yesterday.

"Oh Jungkook! Yayyy you came!" He screamed happily which made him giggle.

"Yes I came"

"Taehyung! You— who's this? Oh is he the one you told me about?"

"Yes he is. Hyung this is Jungkook, Jungkook this is my hyung"

"Hi nice to meet you, I'm Namjoon"

"Hi Namjoon"

"I'm still shocked by the fact that you can actually see—"

"Hyung! Come here!" Taehyung pulled the elder with him.


"He doesn't know"

"Oh. You better tell him"

"He'll freak out! I want friends... Please?" He showed his puppy eyes to Namjoon which no one can resist.

"Fine... But you need to tell him ok?"

"Ok! Thank you hyung"

His hyung smiled and ruffled the younger's hair.

"Bye Jungkook, it was nice to meet you"

"You too, bye Namjoon"

"You can call me hyung"

"Sure... Hyung" he gave the others a soft smile. He didn't have any siblings, but he always wanted a hyung or noona. So this was a happy moment for him.


"Tae, why are you here?"

"I told you, I come here to chill. It feels good here"

"Yeah it actually does" Jungkook closed his eyes as he felt cold breeze brushing his soft skin.

They were on the rooftop, enjoying, and getting to know each other.

"It's like my safe place" Taehyung confessed.

He expected some rude reply like 'you're weird' or he'd judge him... but, Jungkook just gave him a smile instead.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna judge you" he smiled.

"I'm glad" they sat like that for another one hour. They chatted for a long time.

Jungkook had never talked this much with someone. It feels relaxing to have someone by your side.


"I'll get going now"


"Can I come tomorrow too?"

"Omg... Yeah sure kookie!"

"Ok Taetae, Hehehe"

"That's cute"

"You're cut- I mean the name!"

Taehyung chuckled at his behaviour and held his hands.

"I'll walk you outside"


Taehyung looked down at their hands.

You are able to touch me Jungkook...

You are really special...


Immortal love- Taekook ✅Where stories live. Discover now