Pregnant part 2

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A few weeks had passed since Emma had told Killian about the baby. They had decided it was time to tell other people.

Emma originally wanted to wait until she was a bit farther along, but due to her severe morning sickness she knew she wouldn't be able to hide it for long.

Emma and Killian sat on the couch. Henry sat in the chair across from them. "Did someone die?" He asked.

Emma snapped her head up. "What? No! No, nobody died Henry."

Henry nodded. "Then what is it?"

Emma and Killian shared a look before Emma looked back at Henry. "You know I love you, right?"

Henry nodded. "Yeah, you tell me all the time."

"You know I wish I could have raised you, right?"

Again Henry nodded. "Where are you going with this?"

"I'm pregnant." Emma said. She decided beating around the bush wasn't working and she would rather get strait to the point.

Henry's mouth dropped open and if it wasn't such a nerve-racking moment for Emma, she would have found it quite comical.

"Henry?" She asked as she bit her lip. If Henry was upset she didn't know what she would do.

Henry's face lit up into a grin. "So, I'm going to be a big brother?"

Emma sighed in relief. He wasn't mad. "Yeah kid. You are. So you're okay with this?"

Henry jumped up and ran to hug his mom. "Of course I'm okay with it."

"Good!" Emma said as she wrapped her arms around her son. "I'm glad!"

They decided to tell Emma's parents next. It was the next day and Emma and Killian were at Granny's, waiting for her parents.

Emma wrapped her hands around her mug of hot cocoa and tapped her foot nervously.

"Nervous?" Killian asked.

Emma shrugged. "A bit. It's just that I didn't have to tell anyone last time. This is new for me."

Killian gave his wife a reassuring smile. "They'll be happy Emma."

Just then the door opened. David and Mary Margaret spotted them and made their way to the table before sitting down.
Emma's brother, Neal, was on her mothers lap.

"Is everything okay Em?" David asked. "If you hold that cup any tighter it might break."

Emma nodded. "Yeah, everything's fine."

"Really?" Mary Margaret frowned. "It doesn't seem like it."

"It is, promise." Emma said. "Killian and I actually have some news."

Her parents looked at her expectantly.

"Well?" David asked. "Do you plan on sharing this news?"

Mary Margaret smacked his arm. "What your father means is, we're ready whenever you are!"

"I'm pregnant." Emma blurted. Her parents mouths dropped open. It was quiet for a moment, and then it was chaos.

"OH MY GOD!" Her mother squealed. "Emma! Oh Emma." She jumped up, shifting Neal in one arm before pulling her daughter into a hug. "That's wonderful Emma. Im so happy for you. For both of you." She added as she reached across the table to squeeze Killian's hand.

Mary Margaret's reaction caused everyone in the diner to turn their heads in their direction.

"Im going to be a Grandma!" She squealed. Emma was sure the entire diner had probably heard.

David was the next to react. He stood up, a wide grin on his face. "Im happy for you, Em!" He said as he wrapped his arms around his daughter and cradled the back of her head. When he pulled away Emma was positive she saw a tear.

Once they were all sitting, Granny came over to take their order.
"Oh, congratulations by the way!" She smiled.

"You heard?" Emma asked.

Granny laughed. "Im sure all of Storybrooke heard your mother!"

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