First Word

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Emma sat on the floor with her 13 month old daughter, Alice.

"Alice, say mama" Emma said. "Can you say, mama"

"Her first word will be dada, isn't that right Alice?" Killian asked.

"Oh, you think so do you?" Emma teased. "Well I think it will be mama!"

"It's going to be dada, I know it." Killian said. "Just you wait."

Just then Henry walked in. "Wait for what?"

"Your father seems to think your sisters first word is going to be dada. I say it's going to be mama."

"Think what you want love. Her first word is definitely going to be dada"

Just then, Snow and David walked in.

"What's going on?" Snow asked.

Henry grinned. "Mom and Killian are arguing over what is going to be Alice's first word. Mama, or dada."

"It's definitely going to be dada!" Killian said. "Come on, Alice. Say dada."

"Don't listen to daddy." Emma cooed. "Say mama. Mama. Come on, you can do it. Say mama."

Snow and David shared an amused look.

"What was Hope's first word?" Snow asked as she sat down on the sofa.

Killian snorted and Emma turned red.

"What?" Snow asked. "What was it?"

"Yes, love. What was our daughters first word?" Killian asked his wife with a smirk on his face.


"Was it mama or dada?" Snow asked.

Emma shook her head and bit her lip. Killian laughed and Emma shot him a dirty look.

"It isn't funny Killian."

Killian chuckled. "It's a little funny."

"Come on." Henry said. "It can't be that bad. What was it?"

Emma sat there in silence as her parents and her son all stared at her, waiting for an answer.

"Come on, Emma. It's hilarious." Killian said.

When Emma still didn't say anything, Killian spoke up. "Well, you see. Emma had been trying to get Hope to say "mama" for weeks, but she wouldn't say it. Then one day, Emma was making eggs. She dropped one and she..." Killian tried to control his laughter but he couldn't.

"Killian." Emma groaned.

"She dropped the egg, and it broke. We all know Emma can have a bit of a mouth on her..."

Emma turned an even deeper shade of red.

"Her first word started with an S and ended with a T." Killian smirked.

Henry roared with laughter. "No way!" He said.

"It was her favorite word for the next week." Killian laughed.

Snow and David shared an amused look.

"Oh, Emma." Snow said. "It's okay. It was an accident. What was her second word?"

Killian snorted as he tried to hide his laughter. Emma did her best to avoid eye contact."

"Well, you see..." Killian began. "That one started with an F and ended in a K, although it came out as uck because she couldn't pronounce the F sound."

"Emma!" Snow gasped. "You didn't?"

"It just slipped out." Emma defended herself.

"Dare I even ask what her third word was?" Henry asked with a grin.

"No." Emma said.

Her mother frowned. "Another swear word? It's a miracle Hope doesn't walk around the castle swearing!"

Emma shook her head. "No, it wasn't a swear word. Her third word was no!"

Killian chuckled. "That was her favorite word for a long time."

Everyone laughed.

"What was Leia and Liam's first words?" Henry asked.

"Liam said mama first." Emma said with a smile. "Leia said dada"

"So, it could be either one. As long as mom doesn't drop any swear words" Henry teased.

"It's going to be dada, I guarantee  it." Killian said confidently.

"No, it's going to be mama." Emma argued.

David chuckled. "Your parents are crazy, aren't they Alice?"

"Don't listen to your Grandpa." Emma cooed.


Five sets of eyes all turned to look at Alice.

"What did she just say?" Killian asked.

"Gapa Gapa Gapa!" Alice giggled as she reached her arms out towards David.

Emma and Killian's mouths both dropped open in shock.

David had the biggest smile on his face. "That's right!" He said excitedly as he picked her up. "I am your Grandpa."

"Well, that settles that argument." Henry said with a grin.

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