First Birthday

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Emma watched with a smile, as her daughter rubbed chocolate frosting on her face.
She couldn't believe that one year ago today, this little girl had come into the world.

"I wish they were here." Emma sighed.

She felt her husbands hand on her shoulder. "Me too love. I know you miss them."

It had been about 6 months since Emma and Killian had been forced to leave their family behind, so that they could protect their daughter. Emma thought about them every day. She thought about her mom, her dad, and Henry."

"My mom would be going crazy. She would be trying to plan the biggest party." Emma said.

Killian smirked. "She probably would, and you'd be going insane."

Emma smiled sadly. "I know she could be a bit much at times, but she meant well. I miss her." Tears came to Emma's eyes.

"I know love." Killian said as he squeezed Emma's shoulder. "I miss them too!"

Hope stuck out a chocolate covered hand towards Emma and babbled. Emma smiled.

"Is that good? Hmm baby?" Emma asked.

Hope smiled and then proceeded to stick her fist in her mouth.

If they were in Storybrooke, they would be celebrating Hope's first birthday with family and friends. Everyone would be taking turns holding the birthday girl as they fussed over her. But they weren't in Storybrooke. They didn't have any family or friends around. They only had each other.

That night, Emma bathed her daughter and dressed her in her blue ducky pajamas. She sat down in the rocking chair in her daughters room and draped Hope's bath blanket over top of her. She pulled out Henry's old storybook.

"Are you ready to hear about our family?" She asked.

Hope babbled in response.

"Story time?" Killian asked. "What are we reading tonight?"

Emma smiled. "My parents story."

Emma sat in the chair and read the story of how her parents first met. Hope drifted off to sleep and Emma kissed her head. "Goodnight baby girl. I love you!"

Maybe someday they would all be reunited and Hope would be able to meet her family. Maybe one day, they would all be together.

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