A New Friend

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Hope peeked curiously around the corner. She could see many familiar faces. Her mom and dad, her grandparents, her older brother Henry. But there were some unfamiliar faces as well.
Hope watched as her mother leaned in to hug someone. She had never seen her mom hug anyone before, unless they were family.

"Emma, it's so good to see you again!" An unfamiliar voice said. When Emma and the woman pulled away from the hug, Hope could see that she had long blonde hair that was pulled back into a braid.

"It's good to see you too Elsa!"

Elsa. Hope thought the name sounded familiar. She was sure her mom had mentioned it before.
Hope watched as her mom greeted the other two as well, and she heard that their names were Anna and Kristoff. That's when it clicked.
Hope had watched the movie Frozen before, back when she still lived in Maine. Her mom had mentioned how she knew Elsa, Anna and Kristoff.

"Emma, I'd like you to meet my nephew. This is Jonas!" Elsa announced proudly.

Hope tilted her head so that she could get a better glimpse of the boy. He appeared to be about her age. He had red hair and Hope thought he was dressed kind of funny. But then again, she thought everyone around here dressed funny. She had only been here a little over a year and was still getting used to the strange clothes.

The boy looked in her direction and their eyes met. He had blue eyes, just like her. Except her eyes were a deeper shade of blue than his were.

Emma turned and saw Hope peeking around the corner.

"Hope, come here. I want you to meet someone."

Hope slowly walked around the corner. She wasn't sure why she was feeling shy. She was never shy. She walked over to her mom and took her hand.

"This is my oldest daughter, Hope!" Emma smiled. She then turned to Hope.
"Hope, this is Elsa, Anna, Kristoff and Jonas. Jonas is the same age as you."

"Oh, she looks so much like you!" Elsa exclaimed. Emma smiled.

"Hope, why don't you and Jonas go play?" Emma suggested.

Hope nodded. "Come on!" She said as she lead Jonas out of the room.

Hope spent the next half an hour showing Jonas around the castle. She showed him all of her toys and her favorite hiding places.

Their guests stayed for the next week, and during that time the two children became quite close. They could often be seen playing together.

"You're not like other girls." Jonas mused on his first night there.

Hope frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Jonas shrugged. "I don't know. You're just different is all. You aren't like any girl I've ever met."

Hope seemed to think about it for a while. She didn't know what to think.

"Spiders." Jonas suddenly exclaimed.

Hope giggled. "Spiders?"

"Yeah! That's why you're different. You aren't afraid of spiders. You saw that spider and you didn't even flinch."

"Why would I be afraid of spiders?" Hope asked.

"I don't know. Every girl I've ever met was scared of em."

"Oh." Hope said. "My sister is scared of spiders, but not me."

Jonas grinned. "That's why you're different. I like you. Wanna be my friend?"


After that first night, Hope and Jonas became best friends. Little did everyone know, they would one day become more than that.

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