Pregnant Again

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Emma threw up for the third time in an hour. She couldn't count how many times she had thrown up that week.

Her mom insisted that she should have doc take a look at her, but Emma had refused. She knew why she was getting sick. She didn't need doc to tell her she was pregnant.

Emma sighed. This definitely hadn't been planned. Her and Killian had decided that they were done having kids after the twins. They were both getting older and three children was enough. But birth control options didn't exactly exist here. Emma was surprised more people didn't end up with a lot of kids.

"Emma. Are you okay love?" Killian asked as he watched his wife throw up again.

"Do I look like I'm okay?" Emma snapped. She immediately regretted it.

"I'm sorry Killian."

"It's okay." He assured her. "But maybe your mom is right. Maybe you should see doc."

Emma shook her head. "I don't need doc to tell me why I'm sick. I already know."

Emma watched as her husbands face went from confused to understanding to shock.

"Are...are you...are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"That depends on what you think I'm saying." Emma said.

"Are you...are you pregnant?"

Emma swallowed the lump in her throat before nodding.

Killian's face lit up and before Emma knew it she was in his arms.

"Killian, are you sure we can do this? We already have three young kids and we did say we were done." Emma pointed out.

Killian smiled. "Of course we can do it. I know we agreed we were done after the twins, but we already have three, four including Henry, what's one more?"

Emma rolled her eyes. "What's one more? Really Killian. It's a baby, not a puppy."

"What's a baby?"

Emma and Killian looked up to see Snow standing there.

Emma froze. She had no idea what to say. "I...we...well...actually..." she stuttered.

She didn't need to say anything however because her mom quickly caught on.

"Emma. Are you pregnant?" She asked.

Emma sighed. "Maybe..."

Snow squealed as she ran to hug her daughter. "Oh, Emma I'm so happy for you. This is amazing!"

Just then David walked into the room. "What's amazing?"

"Emma's pregnant!" Snow blurted before quickly covering her mouth.

Emma shot her mom an annoyed look. "Are you kidding me? Can you for once just keep a secret?"

"Emma. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. It just slipped out." Snow apologized.

"Emma. Are you really?" David asked.

Emma sighed. "I think so. I mean, I'm pretty sure."

She found herself being pulled into a hug and her dads hand cradled the back of her head.

Later that night, doc checked Emma over just to make sure.

"You're pregnant." He confirmed.

Everyone had different reactions to the news.

"Congratulations! I'm happy for you." Henry said.

"I'm going to be a big sister?" Leia squealed.

"It better be a boy. I have enough sisters." Liam frowned.

"Another baby? I don't want another baby. Liam and Leia are annoying enough." Hope complained.

"I'm gonna be an uncle again?" Neal asked with a smile on his face.

"Again?" Regina smirked. "Are you planning on setting a record?"

"Regina!" Snow gasped.

"I'm only joking. No need to get upset." Regina rolled her eyes.
"Congratulations!" She added as she turned to look at Emma.

Emma herself was still in shock. She had suspected that she was pregnant, but that didn't make the news any less shocking. Emma never thought she would be a mother before Henry came back into her life. Then she had Hope followed by Liam and Leia. Now she was about to have another baby. She had never imagined this life for herself, but she wouldn't change it for the world.

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