Tea Party

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Two year old Alice and six year old Leia sat at a small play table, pretending to drink out of their tiny tea cups.

"What are you ladies up to?" David asked as he came into the room.

"Grandpa!" Alice squealed.

"We're having a tea party." Leia explained.

"Leia say no boys." Alice said as she shook her finger, a small frown on her face.

David laughed. "Well, I guess I should be leaving then." He turned to leave but was stopped by Leia.

"No. You can stay Grandpa."

"Hmmm. I thought you said no boys." David said.

"Yeah...but you can stay. You're different. I meant no Liam or Neal." Leia explained.

"Please stay." Alice pleaded. She stuck her bottom lip out into a little pout.

"How could I say no to that?" David said dramatically. "I guess I can stay."

Leia pulled out a small chair that David was sure would buckle under his weight, but when he tried to tell Leia this she demanded he sit down anyway.

David sat down in the small children's chair and Alice handed him a little tea cup.

"You don't look like a princess." Leia commented.

David shook his head fondly. "That would be because I'm not a princess."

Leia grinned. "But this is pretend and it's a princess tea party. So you have to be a princess. Right Alice?"

"Right!" Alice repeated.

"I think Grandpa needs some lipstick." Leia said as she pulled some out. David wasn't sure where she had gotten it, but he didn't have time to say anything before she was putting it on him.

"What do you think Alice?" Leia asked when she was finished.

"Ohhh pretty." Alice giggled. "Tiara."

"You're right. He does need a tiara." Leia agreed. She grabbed a tiara and placed it on her Grandpa's head.

Leia was just painting his nails when her dad walked in.

Killian took one look at David with red lipstick smeared on his face and a pink tiara on his head and he busted out laughing.

"Looking great there Dave. I didn't realize pink was your color." He motioned to the pink nail polish.

David sent his son in law a look that said we will be talking about this later.

"Doesn't Grandpa look pretty daddy?" Leia asked sweetly.

Killian roared with laughter.

"You know." David said. "I think your dad needs a makeover too. He shouldn't miss out on all the fun."

Killian stopped laughing and paled.

"You're right!" Leia exclaimed. "Come sit down daddy. Do you want sugar in your tea?"

Killian tried to make up an excuse as to why he couldn't join their little tea party, but he couldn't think of one and he suddenly found himself sitting across from David. Before long, he too had a tiara and lipstick.

"Dress." Alice said.

"No!" Both men said.

"You're right. I don't think we have any dresses your size." Leia shrugged.

Just then Emma walked into the room. She took in the sight of her husband and father. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.

"Hi mommy." Leia said.

"They pretty!" Alice declared as she pointed a tiny finger at her dad and then her Grandpa.

That was all it took for Emma to start laughing.

"It's not funny!" Killian insisted.

"Well...it's a little funny." Emma snorted.

Just then Snow walked into the room. "I heard laughing, what's going OH MY!"

"Daddy pretty. Grandpa pretty." Alice squealed.

Emma and Snow shared a look and then the two started laughing. Once they started, they couldn't stop.

Soon more people entered the room.

Hope was the first to enter and her mouth dropped open. Next came Liam and Neal.

"What are you wearing?" Neal asked as he wrinkled his nose in disgust.

Henry walked in next along with Regina.

"Woah! What's going on here?" Henry asked, a smirk on his face.

"Pretty!" Alice said. "Pretty pretty pretty. Pretty princess."

Regina grinned. "You know, I think they're missing something."

Killian and David both looked up. "Don't you dare!"

But it was too late. With a wave of Regina's hand, both men were wearing dresses.

"That's better." Regina teased.

"Now you really look like princesses!" Leia grinned.

"I really must be going." Regina said. She turned and walked out of the room.

"Regina...Regina no." David called after her.

"REGINA, COME BACK AND FIX THIS!" Killian demanded.

But Regina was already long gone.

"Henry's turn!" Leia said.

Henry shook his head. "No. No way in he...no way."

"Oh man." Emma said as she clutched her side. It hurt from laughing so hard. "I wish we had a camera."

Snow nodded in agreement.

Finally Emma took pity on her husband and dad, and with a wave of her hand they were back to normal.

Both men quickly stood up.

"We don't talk about this." Killian requested.

"Never!" David added.

Both men quickly exited the room without even looking back.

Leia frowned. "I don't think they were happy." She said.

Everyone laughed. This would be something they would remember forever.

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