Kicks and Gender

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Emma had felt the baby move many times before. The first time she felt the baby move, she had been in the middle of an argument with Killian. If you asked her later what the fight was about, she would say she didn't remember. One minute she was yelling at Killian and the next minute she gasped and her hand went to her stomach.

"Emma?" Killian asked, concern in his voice. "Are you okay? What..."

Emma smiled. "The baby. I felt...I felt the baby move."

Killian grinned and their fight was forgotten.

She felt the baby move many times since then, but nobody else had been able to feel the baby. At least not until now.

It was just a few days before Christmas and Emma and Killian sat on the couch watching a movie. Killian had his arm around Emma and his hand was resting on her stomach. Suddenly the baby kicked and Killian's eyes widened in shock.

"Was that?" Killian gasped.

Emma smiled. "It was."

It was a few days later and the couple was at Emma's parents house for Christmas. It was still pretty early, but Henry and Regina would be arriving later. They were sitting around talking when Emma winced, her hand immediately going to her stomach.

"Emma? You okay?" David asked.

Emma nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine."

David didn't look convinced but he didn't argue. They continued their conversation but it wasn't long before Emma winced again.

"Emma. Are you sure you're okay?" Her mother asked her.

Emma could see the concerned looks on her parents faces.

"I'm okay." Emma insisted. "The baby just won't stop kicking and my ribs are killing me."

"It's been going on for the past few days." Killian added.

Mary Margaret gasped in excitement and her face lit up. "Really? Oh, Emma that's great."

Emma raised an eyebrow. "I'm glad you think so."

Her mother shook her head. "You know what I mean Emma. I'm not happy you're in pain."

Emma smiled. "I know. I'm joking."

"Can I?" Mary Margaret asked hopefully.

Emma didn't like the idea of everyone wanting to touch her stomach. Truthfully, it made her uncomfortable. But at the same time this was her mom. She nodded.

"Oh Emma!" Mary Margaret whispered when she felt the baby move. "It's wonderful, isn't it?"

Emma snorted. "Not at two in the morning when you're trying to sleep."

Snow nodded sympathetically, but she couldn't keep the smile off of her face.

"I mean it!" Emma said. "Henry was never this bad."

"Really?" Snow asked. She always loved when her daughter let things slip about her past.

Emma shook her head. "Not that I remember." She didn't say it, but she had tried to block a lot of those 9 months out. "I remember him moving, but not this much."

They were silent for a while before Mary Margaret spoke up. "Emma, I know you wanted to wait until after the baby is born to find out the gender..."

Emma groaned. Her mom had been trying to get her to find out the gender for months now. It was getting old.

"Mary Margaret..." David warned.

"I know...I know. It's just...I found the necklace. The one that predicts the gender of the baby. The one that belonged to your mother. I thought it would be nice to use with Emma. I know you wanted to wait, and I get it. If you really don't want to I won't make you, I just thought it would be nice."

Emma seemed to think it over. "How accurate is it?"

Snow smiled. "Your grandmother told me it worked for her, and we all know it was right with you!"

Emma and Killian shared a look. They had wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but if they were being truthful they were finding the wait hard.

"It's up to you love." Killian said.

Emma thought it over for a minute before nodding. "What the heck."

Mary Margaret squealed. She jumped up and ran to the other room, coming out only moments later with the necklace.

She held the necklace over Emma and they waited. Emma could hear her mom gasp.

"Well?" Emma asked. She looked up to see tears in her mother's eyes.

"It's's a girl." She whispered. "I knew it! Well, I didn't know for sure but I had a feeling."

Emma couldn't keep the smile off her face. A girl. She was having a girl.

"A granddaughter!" Snow said excitedly. "We're having. Granddaughter!"

David smiled at his wife's excitement. "Congratulations." He exclaimed as he went to pull his daughter into a hug.

When Henry got there he could tell something was up. "What is it? Why is everyone smiling?"

"We used the necklace. We found out the gender of the baby!" Snow told him.

"Really?" Henry asked. "So, what is it? Boy or girl? Wait...let me guess. I don't suppose it's both?"

Emma had just taken a sip of hot cocoa and choked. "What? No! No no no. No way. Besides, doctor Whale would have caught something like that by now."

Henry chuckled. "Then I'm gonna go with...boy."

Emma and Killian shared an amused look.

"Is that your final answer lad?" Killian asked.

Henry nodded.

"Sorry to disappoint you kid, but it's a girl." Emma smiled.

Henry didn't care though. "A sister? I'm gonna have a sister?"

"Aye." Killian agreed. "You'll have the very important job of chasing off any boys who try to...owe." Emma had smacked him on the arm.

"I can do that." Henry declared.

"Oh, this poor child." Emma muttered.

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