Emma's Birthday Surprise

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Emma winced as she rubbed her lower back. Her back was killing her and she wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed. But it was her birthday today and Killian had made reservations for dinner. She didn't want to disappoint him.

"Hi love. Are you ready?" Killian asked as he came in carrying a squirming Hope.

Emma nodded.

They walked next door to drop Hope off with the neighbor. Emma didn't trust a lot of people with her little girl, but Helen was a nice lady. She had three children of her own and 5 grandchildren. Her grandchildren were all older and didn't visit her often. She doted on Hope.

"Well hello. Come on in." Helen said as she opened the door. "Would you like some tea?"

Emma smiled. "No thank you. We should really get going."

"Of course. You two run along now. Have a good time and don't worry. Hope is in good hands."

Emma smiled. "I know. Thank you again for watching her."

"Oh, it's no problem dear. You know how much I enjoy watching her."

"You be good Starfish." Killian said as he placed the little girl on the floor.

"Okay daddy." Hope said. She walked forward and took Helen's hand.

Emma and Killian said their goodbyes before leaving. When they got to the restaurant, Emma excused herself and made her way to the bathroom. She took deep breaths. Her back was killing her. Carrying twins was a lot harder than carrying just one.

When she came out, she saw that Killian was waiting for her. He pulled the chair out for Emma before sitting down himself.

The two ordered their food and started talking. Killian was saying something but Emma wasn't really listening. Something wasn't right. She gasped as she felt liquid run down her legs.

"Emma? Are you okay, love?"

"My...my water..."

Killian frowned. "You want water?"

Emma cried out in frustration. "No! My water... my water broke. The babies....they're coming."

Killian stood up so fast that he knocked into the table causing the glasses to fall off and shatter.

All eyes turned to look at them and Emma cried out in pain. Killian, I don't think we have a lot of time."

Killian called an ambulance. The ambulance soon arrived and before Emma knew it she was in the elevator on the way up to the delivery room. Suddenly the elevator broke down.

"Ahh." Emma screamed. "The baby...the baby's coming NOW!"

It was a really good thing the paramedics were there. They had Emma lay back. Within two minutes her son was born. He came into the world with a full set of black hair. Emma barely had the chance to hold him before he was taken away and she was told to push again. Moments later their daughter was born. She came out kicking and screaming and she too had a full set of dark hair.

"What should we name them love?" Killian asked.

The two hadn't decided on names yet. They hadn't agreed on anything.

"How about Liam?" Emma asked. "After your brother."

Killian looked at Emma. "Are you sure love?"

"Of course I am." Emma said.

"Okay. Liam it is then." Killian said. "Liam David Jones."

Now it was Emmas turn to look shocked. "David?"

"Aye." Killian said. "It only seems fitting that we name him for someone you love as well."

Emma felt tears well up in her eyes.

"If you don't like it..." Killian began.

"No!" Emma said. "I think it's perfect. Liam David Jones it is."

She looked down at her daughter. "I was thinking about when we went back in time and I said my name was Leia. It's a pretty name, and it goes so well with Liam."

Killian grinned. "Leia it is." He said. "Leia Margaret." He suggested.

Emma thought for a moment before saying "How about Snow. Leia Snow. I'd feel better using my moms real name."

Killian smiles. "It's perfect love."

"Welcome to the world Liam David and Leia Snow!" Emma said.

"Happy Birthday love!" Killian smiles as he planted a kiss on his wife's lips. "Happy Birthday!"

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