The Fight

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Emma and Hope were released from the hospital after two days. Emma couldn't wait to leave, but now that the time had come she couldn't help but feel nervous. She didn't know what she was doing.

The first night home was rough, and the nights that followed were no walk in the park either.
Hope woke up several times in the middle of the night. Killian had offered to get up so that Emma could rest, but Emma still had to get up to feed her.

Emma and Killian were exhausted and Emma found herself snapping at Killian over the smallest things.

"I'm tired too Emma." Killian said one evening. "You act as if you're the only one who's tired, but you're not."

"You're tired? YOU'RE TIRED? I am the one who has to wake up with Hope every couple hours. ME!" Emma shouted

"You aren't the only one. I wake up with her too. I told you I would help. You're the one who doesn't let me help." Killian argued.

"You can't feed her Killian. I'm the only one who can. Me! How can you help when you can't feed her?"

"And that's my fault? I've offered to help in other ways. I am trying Emma. I got up last night to change her, but you beat me to it. You never let me help. You barely even put her down. She's MY daughter too Emma. You act as if you don't even trust me with her."

The two continued to argue back and forth until they were interrupted by a shrill cry from the other room.

"I'll get...." Killian began but Emma cut him off. 

"I've got her." She snapped.

Killian grew frustrated. "See Emma, this is what I mean. You don't let me help." He followed Emma to the nursery. "How am I supposed to help if you won't let me? Are you even listening to me? EMMA, DAMNIT. Talk to me."

Emma ignored Killian and picked up her daughter before bringing her to the changing table.

"Let me change her." Killian said

Emma spun around and glared at her husband. "I don't want you handling her when you're angry."

Killian looked as if he had been slapped in the face. "When I'M ANGRY? What about YOU? You're angry too but you're okay to handle her. I can't believe you Emma. You know what? You're selfish. You aren't the same woman I married Emma. You changed."

Emma felt the tears sting her eyes. She didn't know where all of this was coming from. It wasn't her. She was just so damn tired.

"Yeah?" Emma hissed as she picked Hope up. "Well, then maybe I should just leave."

"Don't be like that Emma. Don't even start."

"I should have listened to my dad. I should have stayed the hell away from you. I NEVER should have married you." The moment that the words left Emma's mouth, she regretted them. She saw the hurt look on her husbands face. Emma didn't know what to do, and suddenly she had the urge to run, just like she always used to.

Emma grabbed Hope's diaper bag and headed down the stairs.

"Where are you going? EMMA...WHERE ARE YOU GOING?"

Emma turned around and looked at her husband, tears in her eyes. "I need some fresh air." With that, Emma put Hope in the car seat, grabbed the keys and stormed off.

Emma drove for a while before pulling over. She didn't know where she was even going. After a few minutes she found herself driving towards the sheriff station. She knew it was getting late and her father wouldn't be there. She would be alone.

Emma parked before getting out of the car and going to get the car seat from the back. She grabbed the diaper bag and headed for the doors.

Once inside Emma took Hope out of her car seat and sat down. She held Hope close to her chest and started to cry.

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