Hope Jones

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Emma was now only a week away from her due date, and she was anxious to meet her baby.

David had tried to convince Emma that he had things under control at the sheriffs station, and that she didn't need to come in. He and Killian had been trying to get her to take time off for the past few weeks now, but Emma had refused. The plan was for Killian to fill in for Emma while she was gone, but she had made it quite clear that she wasn't planning to take time off until after the baby was born.

Emma sat at her desk, going through paperwork while David was on the phone with a concerned Storybrooke citizen.

Emma had just signed the bottom of one of the pieces of paperwork when she felt a sharp pain. She sucked in a deep breath and grimaced. She glanced over to where her father sat and was glad to see that he hadn't noticed. She knew if he did he would insist she go to the hospital. But Emma felt that she had time.
The next contraction came a while later. By now David was off the phone and he didn't miss the look of pain cross his daughters face.

"Emma?" He asked. A look of concern on his face.

"I'm okay." Emma said. But she didn't sound okay at all.

"Emma, are you...?"

"No!" Emma shouted. She wasn't going to admit that she was having contractions. Not when she could still have time.

David looked like he wanted to argue, but he let it go. But he kept a close eye on Emma and the next time he saw her gasp in pain he stood up.

"That's it. We're going to the hospital." He declared as he grabbed his car keys.

Emma glared at him. "No. I'm fine, really." She insisted.


"Dad, I'm fine. Really! I have time before I...owww, shit." Emma cried.

David raised an eyebrow. "Still think you're fine?" He asked. "We're going to the hospital, now." He said.

David went to help Emma stand. Emma frowned when she saw the keys in his hands.

"I can drive." She insisted. "You should stay here incase....ahh, owe" Emma gripped the side of the chair, her other hand on her stomach.

"You're not driving." David said. He carefully helped Emma stand. "Come on, let's get to the truck."

They had barely made it out the door when Emma stopped, crying out in pain as another contraction hit. This one was much stronger than the last one and had taken Emma by surprise. David took his daughters hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"This isn't right." Emma cried. "It didn't go this fast with Henry. I should have more time."

David could see the tears in Emma's eyes. "Hey, it's okay." He said calmly. "Just try to breathe. It's going to be okay."

He helped Emma into the truck before going around to the other side and putting the truck in drive.

Emma cursed as she reached for her phone, only to find that she didn't have it. She had left her phone on the desk. "My phone...I left my phone...Killian." Emma said through her tears.

David reached for his own phone, but his face fell when he realized that in their rush to get out the door he too had left his phone behind.

He thought about going back for it, but then Emma cried out in pain and he decided that wasn't the best idea.

"We will call Killian and your mom when we get to the hospital." He decided.

When they got to the hospital, David parked before going around and helping Emma out of the truck. As the nurse wheeled Emma back, David went to the front desk and asked to use the phone.

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