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It was Halloween, and Emma and Killian would be taking the children trick or treating.

Liam and Leia were only a year old and they didn't understand, but Hope was excited. At 3.5 years old, Hope didn't remember her previous Halloween's, but Emma had explained it to her. The moment Emma mentioned candy hope was bouncing off the wall with excitement.

Emma and Killian let Hope pick out her costume this year. Last year she had been a ladybug (Emma's idea) and the year before that she had been a swan (Killian's idea.) But this was her first year picking out her own costume.

Emma watched as her daughter took in all the options. It was no surprise when she walked right by the princess and fairy costumes. Emma had suggested that she could be a Witch, but she had shook her head.

"A Witch? Are you serious, Emma?" Killian asked. "All I can think about is Zelena."

Emma rolled her eyes.

"Okay. Do you have any suggestions then?"

"How about a dinosaur." Killian suggested. Hope liked dinosaurs. But once again, Hope shook her head.

Her parents took turns throwing out suggestions.

"A cat."
"A ghost."
"A butterfly."
"A scarecrow."

But each time Hope shook her head. "No, not that." She would say.

Emma and Killian were beginning to think that Hope would never find a costume she liked, but then they heard her gasp.

"A pirate! Look, it's a pirate!"

Emma and Killian shared an amused look. Of course Hope would chose to be a pirate for Halloween. Emma laughed when she thought about how her parents would react.

"Alright starfish. A pirate it is then." Killian agreed.

Little did they know that Hope would pick the same costume the next two years.

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