Run Away

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Leia had been excited to be a big sister. But that was before.
It had been less than a week since Alice had been born, and the excitement had already worn off. Leia wished her parents would send the baby back. All she did was cry, and her parents never seemed to have time for her anymore. To make matters worse, nobody else had time for her either. All anybody seemed to care about was the baby.

Yesterday morning, Leia had asked her mom to play tea party with her. Her mother had told her that she had to feed Alice, and that she would play with her later. But when Leia came back later, her mom was asleep.
She saw her dad and asked him to give her a piggy back ride, but he was too busy rocking Alice to sleep.

Only a few hours ago, Leia had gone into the sitting room to see if anyone would play with her, but they were all fussing over Alice. They didn't even notice her standing there.

"Isn't she just the cutest?" Snow asked, as she looked down at the tiny baby in her arms. 

"She certainly is." David agreed, as he ran a hand gently over Alice's head.

"Well, with a devilishly handsome man like myself as her father..." Killian began. He was cut off by a smack on the arm from Emma.

"Well, I think she looks like Emma." Snow argued.

"Really?" Emma asked. "I don't see it."

"Well I do." David murmured. "She looks a lot like you did."

"She's perfect." Snow whispered.

"Do you think she'll have blonde hair?" Henry asked. "It's a light brown now, Hope was born with her blonde hair."

"Emma's hair was a light brown too." Snow recalled.

"What color hair did the twins have?" Henry asked curiously.

Emma laughed. "They were both born with pitch black hair. It lightened a bit over time."

Alice sneezed, and all the adults started to fuss over her again.

Leia huffed. Nobody cared when she sneezed.

Leia turned to leave and that's when she bumped into Hope.

"You know they won't have time for you anymore, right?" Hope said in a bossy tone.

"That's not true." Leia argued.

"Yes it is. You and Liam aren't the youngest anymore. You just aren't as cute."

Leia shoved her way past her older sister, tears streaming down her face. She stomped up to her room and slammed the door. That was when she decided that she was going to run away.

Leia had all her bags packed and was ready to run away. She figured sneaking past her family wouldn't be an issue, they wouldn't notice. But getting past the guards might be harder.
Leia was surprised however at how easily she was able to sneak past them.

She was on her way. On her way where? She didn't know. But she was leaving, and she was never coming back.

Meanwhile, back at the castle, Emma had just put Alice to sleep. She went to find her other children and panicked when she couldn't find Leia.

"It's a big castle love, I'm sure she's around here somewhere." Killian consoled his wife.

But as everyone searched the castle and came up empty handed, Emma grew more and more worried.

Just then, David walked into the room. He was pale.

"The castle doors were open. I...I think she left the castle."

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