Mood Swings

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Other than the morning sickness, the other thing that Emma absolutely hated about pregnancy, was the uncontrollable mood swings.

Emma was never an emotional person. She could easily hide her emotions. But that was before she was a hormonal wreck.

Lately, Emma seemed to either snap or cry over everything. One minute she would be completely fine, and the next she would be releasing all her anger on someone or sobbing uncontrollably.

The entire family had been affected by Emma's mood swings at one point or another.

When Emma was around 14 weeks pregnant she began to outgrow her pants. She immediately broke down into tears and refused to go anywhere. They had plans to meet Emma's parents for lunch, but Emma refused to go. Snow had immediately wondered if everything was okay, and when Killian told her the reason, she offered to stop by and talk to her daughter.

When Mary Margaret showed up, Emma was furious. How dare Killian tell her mom. She was humiliated.

"I can't believe he told you!" Emma raged.

"Oh, come on Emma. I'm your mother. It isn't like I haven't been through it myself."

Emma crossed her arms stubbornly and Snow sighed.

"Why don't you just let me take you shopping for..."

"NO!" Emma snapped. "I am not going maternity clothes shopping until I absolutely have to. I'm only 14 weeks. I should have time."


"I can cut back on the ice cream. That's the problem. Me and my stupid cravings." Emma insisted.

"Emma! Don't be ridiculous." Mary Margaret said.

But the moment she said it, she realized it had been the wrong thing to say. Emma immediately teared up."

"Emma. No, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry. Please don't cry." She tried to apologize.

"You''re right." Emma sniffed. "I am being ridiculous. I...I'm such a pain. I...I don't...don't deserve how understanding and Killian are."

"Emma, you are not a pain." Her mother insisted. She pulled her now sobbing daughter into her arms.

"You have to say that." Emma argued."

"I mean it Emma." Mary Margaret said. "You are not a pain."

"Really?" Emma whispered.

"Really!" She smiled. "I promise."

"Okay." Emma said. "But I am being a bit ridiculous. You weren't wrong about that." She smiled.

"So." Mary Margaret began cautiously. "Clothes shopping?"

"Fine." Emma grumbled.

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