Date Night

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Hope was just over a month old when Mary Margaret insisted that Emma and Killian have a date night.

Emma had tried to refuse. She wasn't ready to leave her daughter yet, even if it was with her parents. But her mother insisted.

"You know how much of a wreck I was when I left Neal for the first time, but it all turned out okay. Come on Emma, you need this."

In the end, Emma ended up giving in. So now here she was, dropping her daughter off with her parents.

Mary Margaret opened the door and her face lit up. She immediately scooped Hope out of her daughter's arms and started cooing over her.

"I still don't know..." Emma began.

"She'll be okay." Her mother insisted.

Emma nodded. She took out the diaper bag.

"She just ate, but if she gets hungry I brought enough milk. There's a few nuks in there and her blanket. She likes to be swaddled. She..."

Mary Margaret smiled. "Emma, I have taken care of a baby before. She'll be in good hands."

Emma sighed and bit her bottom lip nervously. "I know." She whispered. "I just don't know about leaving her so soon."

"You heard your mother, love. Hope will be just fine." Killian reassured her.

David walked into the room at that moment. He smiled when he saw them.

"Emma, it's good to see you." He said as he pulled his daughter into a hug.

Emma resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "You saw us yesterday." She pointed out.

David could see the worried expression on his daughters face. "You okay?" He asked.

"She's just having second thoughts about going out." Mary Margaret said.

"I just think she's a bit young..." Emma began, but she was cut off by her father.

"Emma, she'll be fine. You'll only be gone for a couple hours."

Emma said goodbye about a dozen times before her husband practically dragged her out of the house. The two went out to eat, but all Emma could think about the entire time was Hope.

After they ordered, Emma excused herself and went to the bathroom. Once there, she pulled out her phone and called her mom.

"Emma. You're supposed to be having a nice dinner with Killian..." her mother began.

Emma felt the tears sting her eyes. "I know." She whispered. "But I had to call. How is she?"

"She is great." Mary Margaret comforted her daughter. "Your father is currently holding her, she's barely been put down."

Emma sniffed.

"Emma, sweetheart. Hope is fine, and you will be too."

"I just...I feel like I abandoned her. She's barely a month old..."

"Emma, listen to me. You didn't abandon her. You left her with us so that you and Killian could have some time together. You deserve it Emma. Now go. Have fun with your husband. Hope will be just fine."

Emma hung up and went back to the table. She tried to enjoy herself that night, but she just couldn't. They had planned to see a movie after dinner, but Emma missed Hope too much.

After dinner Emma and Killian went to pick Hope up. Emma's mother answered the door, a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry." Emma wailed. "I just...I missed her so much and I...I couldn't."

Mary Margaret pulled her daughter into her arms. "Shh, it's okay baby. I know how you feel. I knew you wouldn't make it the entire evening and I didn't expect you to."

Emma and Killian walked into the house and followed Mary Margaret into the living room. Emma glanced over at the couch and smiled. Her father sat with a sleeping Hope on his chest.

"Back already?" He asked.

"I just missed her so much." Emma said.

She immediately scooped her daughter up and planted kisses on her tiny head. Maybe one day she would make it an entire evening, but for tonight the hour she was gone was more than enough.

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