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The ball was passed between players of the opposing team. It was obvious to you who was going to score, as the lead striker of the opposing team came sprinting toward a space they thought was open. The younger Aiku, however, know exactly where they were going and where the pass was going.

You jumped, intercepting the pass as you trapped it with your chest. The ball fell in front of one of your teammates, who greedily took it and began sprinting the other way. A grin took over your lips as you got back into your position, constantly at the ready.

Your brother's loud cheers for you made you let out a laugh at his supportive behavior. A good portion of his team was with him, but he overpowered their voices with ease, especially to your ears.

You watched the ball carefully as it was stolen by the other team, only to be stolen right back by a teammate. Sweat dripped off your chin, right into the grass of your high school's football field. The football field was well taken care of, which was lucky for you.

Your uniform hung off your body, the number two obvious on your white and black uniform. Being the team captain as well as having your brother's number made you even happier.

A whistle sounded from the referees as the ball hit the net of the goal. Your team's star striker had taken a goal, turning the score into 4-0. With only five minutes left of the second half, it was obvious who had won the game.

The other team looked like they had already given up. "Do they not realize it'd be better to fight until the end? Them giving up makes them pathetic." You scowled, a grumpy expression taking over your face.

The other team lazily kicked the ball to their teammate, who ran forward without any real plan. Your teammate kicked it out from beneath their feet, taking the ball from them.

You looked over at Oliver, who grinned and nodded his head toward the goal opposite of you. You understood exactly what he meant and returned the smile.

You took off in a fast paced run, deliberately avoiding any player and their eyesight. Ending up next to your team's right midfielder, you snagged the ball and shot forward.

You wanted your own goal.

Your focus grew as you dribbled, getting into a position where you could shoot. A loud sound came from the ball as soon as you kicked it, sending it around the goalkeeper into the net.

The whistle sounded and the time was out. Cheering, you ran past your teammates who were glaring at you straight to your brother. Scoring a goal felt...enticing. You were a defender to the end, but it was a good feeling.

Oliver stood from his spot and crouched, arms wide open. You jumped onto him, laughing loudly. He wrapped his arms around you and spun in a circle, excited praises falling from him.

Setting you down, you were immediately bombarded by a hug from the U-20's ace. "That was such a good goal! You could be a striker if you wanted to be!" Sendo pressed his cheek to yours. "You'll never be better than me, of course, but-" You tackled him, pushing him to the ground.

He let out an 'oomph!' as he hit the ground with the defender on top of him. "Oh, (Y/n)," Oliver called, gaining your attention, especially as he held your phone in his hand. "This has been going off like crazy."

"It has? Huh, guess those guys are active." You hummed, getting off Sendo. You were about to grab your phone when the voice of your coach calling for you sliced through the fun moment. "Guess I should go back to my team."

Your nose was slightly turned up as you walked with confidence toward a group full of pissed off teammates. "Aiku, why did you move from your defensive position and score that goal?" Your coach asked, the man you'd always hated looking as greasy as usual.

You gave him a deadpan look and crossed your arms, cocking your hip out. "Because I wanted to."

A vein popped out on the man's forehead; he was on the verge of yelling. "Defense isn't supposed to score goals, and that goal was meant to be scored by Sato!" His voice was loud and easily attracted the attention of Japan's U-20 team members.

Oliver stood behind his sibling, a glare on his face. "I told them to go score a goal. It's not like they would've lost the ball anyway."

"O great Buddha." Darai hummed, shaking his head as he stared down at the man.

"You mess with them, you mess with us." Sendo threatened, glaring at the coach from the corner of his eyes.

You grinned, leaning back into Oliver. "It's not like y'all could do anything without me anyway." You chuckled, knowing the only reason the other team didn't score was because you were constantly blocking them and sending the ball down the field. "Let me get my stuff, and then we can leave."

"Already done for you." Hayate commented, holding your things in his hands.

You lit up at his kindness and grabbed your jacket, sliding it on. "Thanks, Hayate! We can go now, boys. Oh, can I see my phone now?" Oliver placed and arm around your shoulders and handed you your device with a laugh.

"You are something else, (Y/n)."

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𝘾𝙊𝙋𝙎 '𝙉' 𝙍𝙊𝘽𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙎; 𝙄𝙏𝙊𝙎𝙃𝙄 𝙍.Where stories live. Discover now