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You walked down the sidewalk, arms brushing against each other. It wasn't too crowded, but there were quite a few people. The amount, however, was growing by the minute as it grew closer to dinner time for most.

Rin glanced back and saw you further than either of you liked, noticing the look of unease on your face. You moved up to his side as fast as possible and your face lit up with heat when he wrapped his long pinky finger around yours. His grip was strong, yet gentle as he guided you along.

"Where would you like to eat?" He asked, glancing back at you.

You couldn't come up with anything as you did your best to stay out of the way of others. "Whatever you want."

You knew there were quite a few good places for food around here, but you also knew how expensive they were. A lot of them would cost thousands upon thousands of yen, which you assumed neither of you had.

He pulled you into a small resturant, the bell above the door dinging to announce your arrival. The space was clean and the place was littered with patterns colored with white, black, and soft shades of blue. There were a few booths and tables with chairs littering the main space for customers, but there was a pathway for customers to reach the counter.

He led you down the path, his shoes making soft noises as an older woman popped out from the back. Her hair was in the process of graying, the previously chestnut strands thinning out in its bun. Her soft face was covered in wrinkles from years of stress and irises filled with chocolate-colored excitement struck out against her tan skin. Her smile was one to adore as it was overloading with a child-like joy.

"Rin! How lovely to see you!" Her voice was full of pure adoration for the boy and she grew even more excited when she spotted them. "And who is this lovely darling you've brought with you?"

"Aiku (Y/n), Mrs. Minami." He gave a gentle tug on your hand, encouraging you to come out further from your position slightly behind him. "Aiku, this is Minami Yoka. She runs this family owned restaurant with her husband and children."

The old woman nodded and gave you a small bow, to which you were quick to return. "It is lovely to meet you, Mrs. Minami."

She laughed and shook her head. "The pleasure is all mine, and please, both of you can call me Oba-chan. Rin, you know you can anyway. What can I get for the both of you?"

Rin told her his order and looked over to see you studying the menu. Your eyes lit up when you found what food you wanted, and he felt his heart squeeze at the cute expression. You quickly told her your order and she didn't put in the register.

"It's on the house today. We'll get that made right up for you two!" Even Rin was a little surprised, but gratefully accepted it nonetheless as he gently pulled you off to his usual seat in the corner of the restaurant.

Sitting across from you, he stared silently, a calm peace passing over the two as they waited.

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𝘾𝙊𝙋𝙎 '𝙉' 𝙍𝙊𝘽𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙎; 𝙄𝙏𝙊𝙎𝙃𝙄 𝙍.Where stories live. Discover now