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After having peaceful car ride full of music, you arrived at Rin's chosen restaurant. Looking at it, it was certainly expensive, making you worry a little. "I'm paying." That certainly got your attention, and you were quick to try and protest. "No, don't even try."

You puffed out your cheeks and got out of the car by yourself, earning a hard stare from Rin. "What?" You asked, wondering what you had done to gain that look.

"Get back in." After a small bit of staring, you furrowed your brows and followed his instructions. You laughed as you saw him get out and go around the car to your side. Opening the door, he clicked his tongue and offered his hand.

You felt your heart swell as you took his hand, letting him guide you out. "Why thank you, Rin." You squeezed his hand, a smile painting your lips.

It was endearing how he was acting like such a gentleman. Not many guys acted like that anymore, so this was a real treat.

He shut the car door behind you and quickly locked it, keeping his hand in yours as he started to lead you up to the fancy building. You honestly felt a little underdressed, even if you weren't actually.

The pair entered the building and were immediately greeted with the smiling face of a young woman in a uniform. "Good evening! Did you have a reservation?" Rin nodded, and she took this as her cue to continue. "What is the name?"

"Itoshi." He squeezed your hand as the woman pressed a few buttons and grabbed two menus, two plates, two packs of silverware wrapped in black fabric napkins, and a basket of bread with butter.

"Follow me this way, please!" She began walking through the archway to your left, which led to a room full of tables and booths. You half hoped you'd get a booth, and it felt like your wishes were granted when she stopped at one in the corner of the room, setting down all that she carried. "Your server will be with you soon."

She bowed her head and left. Rin let you pick your seat first, and you chose the one facing the wall. He was quick to take his seat after letting go of your hand. You immediately missed the warmth it provided.

The chatter was at a respectable volume, and the music wasn't too loud either. The window you were placed next to showed the parking lot and the glowing buildings around. The sky was colored with blues, purples, and oranges as the sun set.

You looked down at your menu and looked for the drinks, seeing that they offered your favorite soda pop. It made you smile and begin looking at the food. The prices made you sweat a little and feel guilty that Rin said he was going to pay for everything, but you were quick to locate what you wanted.

Someone entered your peripheral vision and you looked up. The waiter had a bright smile on his face as his crystal blue eyes shined in the soft lighting. "Hello, my name is Akio and I'll be your server for today! Could I get you started with any drinks?"

"I'll have a Sprite." Rin watched as Akio nodded and turned his attention over to you.

"And for you, lovely?" You tensed and told him your drink order, glancing at Rin, who was glaring at the waiter. He was already close to snapping at him. "Alright, I'll get those quickly for you both."

As soon as Akio walked away, Rin's face fully twisted with irritation. "I hate him. He's flirting with you, and you're uncomfortable."

(Y/n) grimaced, nodding. "I can stick it out as long as he doesn't come over here constantly or anything, but I'm more worried about you. You're close to biting his head off."

"I can't promise anything, but I'll do my best." You hummed and reached out for his hand that rested on the table. When you tapped it, he flipped his over to press your palms together and wrapped his fingers around the sides of your hand. He shifted your hands away from him, so you didn't have to stretch so far.

You dragged a nail over the inside of his wrist, laughing when you saw his irritation turn into one of slight disgust at the action. "So what are we doing after our hopefully wonderful dinner?"

The topic change got his attention and he gave them the smallest smile. "We are gonna do a little one-on-one football." You gave him a challenging grin.

"Oh, you are so going down, Itoshi Rin."

"You can try, my dear Aiku (Y/n), but you will be the loser here." He hummed, but your nice little moment was interrupted as the waiter set down your drinks and straws.

He looked at you both with a passive aggressive smile. "Ready to order?" His eyes shined a darker blue than before, but definitely a much sharper one.

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𝘾𝙊𝙋𝙎 '𝙉' 𝙍𝙊𝘽𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙎; 𝙄𝙏𝙊𝙎𝙃𝙄 𝙍.Where stories live. Discover now