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[ Teieri Anri has added Aiku (Y/n) to the chat!]

Teieri Anri
Hello, everyone! My name
is Teieri Anri, and I am the
main manager here at
BLUELOCK. With this
next selection of the training
being so large, I have asked
a member of Japan's U-20
team, Aiku (Y/n), to be my
assistant manager. This
program is meant to develop
Japan's football to the next
level, and in hopes to create
the world's greatest striker.
Ego Jinpachi has explained
the goals of each coach
already in your previous
emails. This chat will strictly
be used as a means of
communication between
the coaches, managers,
and Ego. Coaches, you
will have certain days set
for our assistant manager
to be there for that entire
day. If there is an emergency
and their presence is
required, let them know.
Your aim is to become the
best team in BLUELOCK,
and it is unacceptable to
let any members get
physically harmed under
your watch unless it is
during training or a game,
in which it may be excused.
You will all get a tour and
earbuds provided by the
Mikage company that will
allow you to understand
everyone there. This app
we are using to
communicate automatically
translates the messages
into your language, so there
is no need to worry about
that. Once each member
of BLUELOCK has decided
their team, I will be making
a group chat for each team,
including all of the members,
myself, Aiku, and the
respective coach. Aiku,
I do ask that you keep this
entirely quiet from your
brother and your friends.
We will be having a required
meeting tomorrow, the day
before the next selection
begins, at the facility. I will
be there to greet you as you
all arrive at noon. I do hope
you all will enjoy your stay
as you live at BLUELOCK's
facility. Have a good rest of
your day.

[ Noel Noa and five others liked Teieri Anri's message! ]

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Your jaw dropped as you shot up in bed after reading the message and the members of the group chat. Rin glanced at your sudden movement curiously from his place on the bed. He had been watching a random football game.

You locked your phone before turning to Rin with a wide grin. He looked at you fondly as you called out for your brother. He complained about getting up, but came into your room anyway, taking a seat at your desk.

"So I got added to the BLUELOCK staff chat, and Teieri Anri gave a basic welcome message and stuff like that. I can't tell anyone what the next part of training is, but I can guarantee that it'll be both fun and hard." You bounced in place on the bed, looking between your brother and your boyfriend in the low lighting.

Oliver looked excited, ready to start whatever harsh training they wanted to put him through. Rin stared at the ceiling, and you knew he had many different feelings about it.

You perked up as you pointed at Oliver, suddenly remembering. "I have a meeting with them tomorrow at facility at noon." He nodded, promising to drive you before patting your head and leaving.

You let yourself fall back onto the bed, shifting onto your side to see Rin. "I feel excited, but also slightly upset. I can't wait to get back and defeat those lukewarm players, but that also means no more proper dates for us for a while."

Humming thoughtfully, you grabbed onto his hand. He gripped your hand back, his thumb running across your knuckles soothingly. "Well, I'm not letting you go at all. I'll do my best to consistently eat any meal with you and spend whatever downtime we have together. We just have to hold strong through this, Rin, and I'm sure we will."

𝘾𝙊𝙋𝙎 '𝙉' 𝙍𝙊𝘽𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙎; 𝙄𝙏𝙊𝙎𝙃𝙄 𝙍.Where stories live. Discover now