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The pair had ended up on a cliff, staring out at the water below. Rin had taken you in a random direction and you ended up here. He seemed familiar with the place, but you didn't ask because you could tell it was personal.

The lack of talking was peaceful for both of you, and you were fine with it. Your legs dangled as you peered down at the rocks below, not worried. The wind blew into your face, but it wasn't rough enough to bother your eyes. The water moved and crashed against the rocks, and the people from the city behind you weren't very loud from your position.

Looking over at Rin, you could feel your cheeks heat up at how beautiful he looked. To start off, his side profile was drop-dead gorgeous. His hair blowing back revealed his forehead, and that style was a surprisingly great look for him.

He sat with his legs crossed and hands pushed in the pockets of his black jacket. Underneath the layer, he had a light gray turtleneck sweater that hugged his frame. His black pants hugged his thighs a bit and loosened out a bit to keep a straight leg.

You got out your phone as quietly as possible and faced the back camera toward him. You snapped the picture before he looked over at them, seeing you stare at it. You thought he looked stunning like that.

You smiled and held the phone toward him when you noticed him watching. "You look great." You complimented quietly, your cheeks heating up intensely as he shrugged.

Grabbing the phone, he went to the camera again and took a picture of you. He gave the phone back after looking at the pictures for a couple of seconds. "Lukewarm."

"Me or your photography skills?"


"I think you're talking about your photography skills." You joked before looking at the pictures, noticing how good he actually was at taking pictures. You actually loved the picture and smiled at it. "One together?" You asked, holding the phone toward him.

He stared at it and right when you were about to pull back, he grabbed it. His long fingers curled around the device in the most comfortable way as he held it out, the back camera facing you.

You didn't know where he was okay with you resting against until he guided you to his chest. Your cheeks exploded in heat as your head tucked under part of his chin. You could feel his racing heart that laid in his chest on your back, despite his calm exterior.

His arm wrapped around your waist, and he glanced down at you. He could throw all the insults he wanted to make himself feel better, but he couldn't deny it to his emotions. You were genuinely attractive.

The way your eyes lit up around him, allowing the beautiful color to become so much more obvious.

The way you weren't afraid of him, or even his older brother.

The way you were so honest.

The way you cared for him, no matter how harsh he could be.

The way you still kept trying to talk to him after the first couple of shut downs.

The way you were so gentle with him.

The way your voice sounded.

The way his name rang so easily off your tongue.

There were so many more ways he could mention, but didn't have time to as he took the picture. He stared at the product; his cheeks were red, both in the photo and real life.

He gave the device back to you, freezing when his fingers lightly touched yours. He gained back his wits and put his hands back in his lap, looking out at the blue water as his cheeks burned hotter.

If only he knew how smitten he was.

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𝘾𝙊𝙋𝙎 '𝙉' 𝙍𝙊𝘽𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙎; 𝙄𝙏𝙊𝙎𝙃𝙄 𝙍.Where stories live. Discover now