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You stood in your position for the restart kick, watching Sae and Shido carefully to see what they'd do. You were ready to snatch the ball if you needed, but knowing those two, you didn't think you'd have to.

Karasu stood a few feet in front of you and Chigiri wasn't too far from your right side, standing back a bit. Blue Lock was weary of the pair and if you were honest, you were, too.

You tuned out the Shido and Sae until you realized that the striker was about to take his shot. "The time to dream is now, Demon. Fall under my spell."

Shido chuckled as he prepared. "My, oh my. Am I Cinderella now? I'm falling in love!" He sung, taking his free kick.

He passed to Sae instead.

He began to sprint to his right, around Sae and to a spot where he can shoot freely. Chigiri took off past you and Karasu quickly marked you. You kept on his right as you faced the goal, where Shido shot into.

"Holy shit." You swore when you saw the ball shoot over your head. He tied the score 2-2.

The crowd cheered and Shido took it in, a face full of pleasure. "Aw, yeah. Here comes the dopamine! I'm gonna come. Shit, that's the stuff." He practically moaned, and you gave him a look of disgust and confusion.

Karasu walked up beside you and chuckled. "He's a weird one. Definitely wasn't this horny when he was at Blue Lock, though."

"I'd be a little concerned if he was, certain someone who's name starts with a K and ends with an 'arasu'." You joked, a smile forming on your face.

He flicked the side of your head gently as he chuckled at the reference. "I hope you know that Nagi would've actually tried to kill me. When the guy wants something, he gets it."

You nodded, agreeing with his comment about your shared friend. "So, Assassin, I haven't seen much assassinating this game."

"I'm working on it."

You bumped your side against his and leaned a bit onto him. "C'mon, cutie, show me something impressive." You playfully flirted, not really meaning anything behind it.

He laughed and put some weight on you. "I wanna see something impressive, too, beautiful." He returned your energy. Out of everyone on the Blue Lock Eleven, Karasu is one of the ones who you got along with the best.

You made eye contact with your brother and he made a gesturing motion, but you were quick to shake your head. He had just asked you if you both were talking, but you merely thought of Karasu as a friend.

All of the players' attention was grabbed when Blue Lock made two substitutions at once. "Chigiri for Hiori and Niko for-"

"Reo!" You cheered, cutting Karasu off. You were excited to see how the purple haired boy had grown at Blue Lock and to see how this Hiori guy played. The two players reluctantly switched out their spots with the subs, but Chigiri seemed heavily depressed by the fact.

You pushed off Karasu and gave him a wink, which he happily returned, before running off. The grin you had on your face didn't leave as the giddy feeling in your chest made you want to hop around.

You remembered your terrified self from before, but you were glad to be out here. The football field was almost like a second home for you and the two teams was only making everything better.

You paused for a moment as you passed by Rin. You patted his shoulder and stared at the younger Itoshi. "Beat that bitch, Rin. Show me what you can do."

He narrowed his eyes at them before he rolled the muscles. "You can't speak much."

"I'm not naturally a forward." You pat his arm before running off to your proper starting spot on the field.

At the restart, Rin immediately kicked to Isagi, which was to be expected in your opinion.

Excitement was what you felt as they started rushing forward, ready to see what this different version of Blue Lock was made of.

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𝘾𝙊𝙋𝙎 '𝙉' 𝙍𝙊𝘽𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙎; 𝙄𝙏𝙊𝙎𝙃𝙄 𝙍.Where stories live. Discover now