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Fandoms may be crazy, insane, ridiculous, and even kinda stupid but thats why i I've them so much

We all have that crazy fandomness inside of us but most ppl don't let it show

Everyone is overly enthusiastic about something

Don't you ever find yourself watching a show and jumping out of your chair from excitement

Or cry from being touched

Or don't you ever just hurt from a story

I know you do. We all do. Sometime, somewhere we all have

At first its enthusiasm that brings us in but then we start to realize we've found a new home

In fandoms we don't hide. In fandoms we let it all out. In fandoms no is telling you to tone it down. In fandoms we ask for more crazy

In fandoms the outcasts gather and welcome each other.

In fandoms nobody is telling you to abide by a set of social laws

In fandoms you don't have to fit in

In fandoms you can cry and laugh and scream and dance.

In fandoms you find some of your best friends

In fandoms you can find your best friend

So I'm going to say THANK YOU  fandoms for being DAFT enough to exist

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