Not about Divergent

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The girl you just called fat is over dosing on dieting pills at home

The boy you just tripped is already abused enough at home

The girl you just called ugly spends hours putting on makeup then crying into her pillow hoping people will like her

The boy who you made fun of for crying his mother is at his home dying

The girl you just called a freak spends hours practicing acting normal at home

The boy you just called stupid has learning disorder and studies all day hoping to seem smart.

So THINK BEFORE your ACT instead of being MEAN be NICE and be that persons friend. You never know whats going on in their personal life. So be friends with the "weird" girl or boy in your grade and if you care what people will think of you for taking a stand or sticking up for someone then don't think just let what you have to say to the bullies come flying out. If you care about bullying and want to help stop it then please put this in your book as well. I bet that 95% of you won't. So be part of that 5% that does.

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