The Fall Of Ilium

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The queen sat alone on her throne, looking at the drawn curtains across the window. She felt alone as a flickering candle flame dying beside her, holding her heart in her hand.

The king has died, leaving his queen alone, leaving her to carry all the burdens on her own. In addition to being a queen, she is a mother, but taking care of her son was no longer a privilege for her. She was no longer spending quality time with her son as a mother, she was just a queen showing the prince how to become the prefect ruler.

To the prince, all of this was almost a birthmark, a death sentence carved into the deepest cleft of his heart. Yozora had always known that noble blood fleshed his existence. In exchange for power and glory, he must wear the brightest crown that will illuminate the horizons with a warm amber hue. That one day he would rise with the sun and cradle the stars with this invigorating honor.

The prince never fancied the notion of becoming next king for its promised delight. Every time he shut death to birthday candles, it was all that he wished from the watching gods above. To be the perfect heir, the ideal ruler and, above all, the greatest candidate for the crown.

But it wasn't just this that the prince had to put up with, it was the fact that he was engaged to someone he had never met before and who was still a baby. Yozora couldn't understand why his mother wanted her son to be engaged to Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum, besides they were both men, and Noctis was still a baby to be engaged to Yozora.

However, despite asking Queen Elicia for an answer, she never told her son the reason why she did what she wanted. Yozora wasn't happy with any of this, not even the idea of ​​becoming king.

Tired, Yozora went into his room and lay down on the bed. The prince was mad at the Queen, because everything she did was for her own benefit, or so Yozora thought. Queen Elicia wanted her son to live a happy life, so she decided to make him king at a young age.That way the citizens of Aeos will recognize him as the future king and will not give him any trouble when the years go by, since if he can rule being so young it means that he will become the perfect ruler when he grows up.

But there was still the reason why she made a engaged between her son and Prince Noctis, even though Noctis is still just a baby. This was another thing that would make Yozora happy, since both princes are bound to be together. The Queen wanted to see her son smile the way he did before the tragedy occurred, the one that took the lives of Yozora and Noctis.

She and King Regis are the only two people who remember what happened before the Crystal went back in time.

They must do everything in their power to change the tragic future of their children, but some things must remain the same.

The Queen will never take away her son's happiness, even if he still doesn't remember who Noctis is, he is the one who will bring happiness to Yozora's life.

For now, Elicia decided to try to talk to her son. She knocked on the door a few times until Yozora's voice told her to come in, she entered the room, seeing her son lying on the bed.

"Yozora, my son," the queen called.

"Is there something you need from me, mother?" Yozora's tone of voice was a bit cold, and he didn't even turn to look at the Queen.

"I know you must be mad at me for everything I did, however I ask you to believe in me and wait until the coronation is over." The Queen said in her usually sweet voice.

"Will you tell me your reasons for doing all the things you did?" Yozora didn't expect anything, but he wanted to believe his mother's words.

"Yes, I will tell you everything when you become the king of Ilium." Elicia's words were sincere, she planned to tell her son everything on the day of the coronation, and give him the ring that contains his sealed memories.

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