The Second Royal Arm

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The next royal tomb wasn't that far from the other one, so it didn't take them long to get there. They all entered the cave except Cor, his duty was to measure Noctis's strength, now that it's done he will return to his original duties.

"Here is where we go our separate ways." Cor said before entering the cave. "Take this key, it unlocks the doors to the other tombs."

Noctis grabs the key that Cor is holding in his hand.

"Seek them out, and lay claim to the power they hold, you'll need it."

"And what will you do?" Noctis asked.

"Keep an eye on the Niffs, find out what they're up to." Cor turns around, showing his back to Noctis. "But you should focus on your own task."

"I will, you take care." After Noctis said those words, Cor left without looking back or saying goodbye.

The five of them continue deeper into the cave, finding a door not far away. Since the place is dark, they cautiously approach the door, while Prompto asks if anyone knows what this place is.

"It appears to have been a shelter." Ignis answered the question.

"People lived Here?" Prompto said a bit surprised, considering how awful this place looks.

"That's a silly question, shelters are for refuges, most likely due to the war." Zephyr said picking up his pace a bit.

Noctis opens the door, finding stairs leading down. He carefully makes his way down the stairs, closely followed by Zephyr and Ignis.The other two were a bit slower, so they walked behind the prince. After going down the stairs, the path became narrower than before, walking side by side might be difficult.

"Huh? What's this? A cable." Prompto saw a cable on the ground and started running, following the cable to see where it led.

With no other choice, the four of them followed Prompto reaching a wider area than before. There was nothing in this place but something that looked like a generator, if it worked, the light would return to the shelter and they could investigate more easily. Gladiolus decided to start the generator, luckily it worked and the lights illuminated the place at least to see what is ahead.

With that done, they continued to search the area. As he walked, Gladiolus kicked an empty can, the sound of the echo startled Prompto.

"What was that?" Prompto asked scared, looking around.

"My bad." Gladiolus apologized, not caring much that the sound startled Prompto.

"It's all the same to you guys!" Prompto raised his voice, feeling that no one cared if he was scared or not.

They continued cautiously moving forward, finding another metal door. This time Zephyr opened the door, as he walked to the other side, Prompto inquired that he felt eyes looking at them. No one paid much attention to him, and he continued to advance. After walking for some time through the narrow paths, a loud noise of something or someone banging against a metal door resounds loudly. Prompto screams in fear, grabbing the person walking next to him.

"Don't touch me," Zephyr complained and tried to free himself from Prompto.

"What is it?" Ignis looks around, trying to find the source of the noise.

"Not sure." Noctis said looking around.

"Whatever it is, it's playing with us." Gladiolus said as he continued forward, being followed by Noctis.

Prompto wasn't ready to continue yet, he needed to prepare first, but there was no time for that. The door is right in front of them, and Noctis is not going to wait any longer to open it. However, the door does not budge, it seems that it is locked.

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