Ring's Memories Part 8

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The four men approached the owner, Wiz, together, wanting to ask him if a red-haired man with a hat came here. It can't be possible for that man to still be here, since a day has already passed. So Noctis didn't have much hope that he would be able to find him here, but who knows, maybe that man is still here and has some clues about where Yozora is.

The old man was petting one of the chocobos. When he noticed the presence of the four men, he turned to them. "What can I help you with, gentlemen?"

Noctis cleared his throat. "Excuse me. Have you seen a red-haired man with a hat around here?"

Wiz looked at him, he seemed to be thinking. "You mean the young man who bought a chocobo?"

"Yes, that man. Did he stay here?"

"Yes, he's still here."

Noctis and his friends were surprised to hear that the stranger was still here, it was too good to be true.

"Really? Where is he?" Noctis asked.

"That man really loves chocobos, he's there." Wiz pointed in the distance towards an open area where many chocobos gather.

"Thank you."

Noctis walked away from the group and headed towards the chocobos, his friends watching him.

"Noct, wait for me!" Prompto yelled, but Noctis didn't seem to hear him.

Ignis sighed. "He must be very excited."

Gladiolus just laughed. "He really wants to find that guy."

"I hope that person is really Magia, kupo." Lamie flies in a hurry to catch up with Noctis.

Noctis saw the red-haired man standing next to a chocobo, it seems he's feeding it. He approached the stranger, a little worried.

"Hey, excuse me..."

The red-haired man looked at him, he had a smile on his face. "Oh, the little prince, Noctis!"

Noctis opened his eyes in surprise, that man is really somehow related to Yozora, since he used to call him little prince all the time.

"Are you Magia?"

The man took off his hat, revealing his red hair and green eyes. "Yes, it's me! I knew it was you when I saw you, you look the same as you did twelve years ago. How have you been?"

Noctis looked at him seriously. "I'm not here to talk about trivial matters." He said coldly.

Magia looked at him. "I don't remember you being so cold, maybe losing Yozora changed you?"

Noctis clenched his fists. "What happened to Yozora? You should know since you are always with him. But if you want to play dumb, then I will ask again. Where is Yozora?"

Magia sighed and put his hat back on. "It's really not a trivial matter, I suppose. But I don't think you will be able to find Yozora, no matter where you look for him."

"Why? What happened to him."

"I don't know, I wasn't in the crown city when Niflheim invaded, I wish I was there. I can't find it no matter how hard I search, and entering the kingdom of Ilium is forbidden."

Noctis gritted his teeth, Lamie sat on his shoulder, and then asked Magia a question. "Where is Aegis, was he always by your side?"

Magia looked at the moogle, smiling at him. "Aegis went on ahead, I promised I would join him. He's searching for Yozora too, but it's not easy to find him. Yozora is a very strong person, and if he doesn't want to be found, it's impossible for us to find him."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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