The Crystal's Wishes

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In a cold and the most darkest night, a baby was born. Crown Prince Noctis, heir apparent to the throne of Lucis, is revealed as the True King. He is a face known to Ardyn, seen in the vision shared by Bahamut seven years ago in which Regis, to whom the revelation was delivered by the kings of yore, holds the small boy in his arms. The child's face bears an unmistakable similarity to that of Somnus.

The same picture-perfect scene is doubtlessly cherished by all throughout the Citadel. Regis establishes the Kingsglaive, a reformed Royal Guard to serve under his direct command and ensure the safety of the Chosen King. All continues to proceed according to fate, or rather, the will of the Draconian.

When Noctis turned five, he traveled with his father to meet the one destined to rule by his side. Even if the prince was still just a child, he had to fulfill the crystal's wishes, for the sake of both kingdoms.

In this world there are two crystals, one of them is protected by the kingdom of Lucis, while the other is protected by the kingdom of Ilium. Those two crystals choose to bestow their powers on Prince Noctis and Prince Yozora, marking both of them with indelible marks.

With the power of the crystals, both princes were granted Elemancy, making their kingdoms one of the most powerful enemies. And not only that, the ring of Lucii both kingdoms pocess is a powerful weapon itself. Now, to fulfill the crystal's wishes, Regis traveled to Aeos, hoping to meet Queen Elicia and her son.

When father and son arrived at the Crown City, they walked through the streets, heading towards the Citadel. By the time they arrived, Noctis was tired and his father carried him up the stairs. Suddenly, the great doors opened, revealing a beautiful woman with long white hair. Her beautiful bright blue eyes fell on King Regis, she smiled slightly, then grabbed her big dress and started walking down the stairs.

"It seems that the prophecy is looming over our children." The queen struggled to admit it, concern present in her eyes.

"If they are together, maybe destiny can be changed." Regis reassured the queen.

"You're right, I need to stop thinking about the worst case scenario all the time."

Elicia invited her guests to the garden full of lilium eyeliner lilies, the place where her son spends most of his time reading and looking at his favorite flowers. The queen called out to her son, Yozora's mother sweet voice was enough to catch his attention. The young man's gaze stopped focusing on the flowers, now his eyes were staring at King Regis and the little prince.

Yozora bowed immediately, he must show courtesy even if he is a prince himself. "It is a pleasure to see His Majesty the king and prince of Lucis." This wasn't the first time Yozora had seen King Regis and his son, however, he couldn't show a unsightly attitude towards them.

"There is no need to bow down, after all, we will become a family son." Regis said with a smile as he approached Yozora.

The little boy in Regis's arms opened his big blue eyes, he looked directly at Yozora, as if admiring those beautiful mismatched eyes. Then Noctis reached out his little hand, tried to touch Yozora, and the young man noticed the boy's intentions. He grabbed the boy's hand, calling out his name.

"Hello, little prince, Noctis."

This was Yozora's first time talking to the prince, and it was the beginning of everything. From that day on, Yozora stayed by Noctis's side, watching the boy grow. He played with him; read books to make him fall asleep; He let him play with his magical moogle and even helped him become the king fit to rule a kingdom.

Yozora did all of this because it was his calling, the focus the crystal gave him: to watch over and guide the king of kings. Once his calling is fulfilled, he will enter crystal stasis and obtain immortality. Noctis was the other chosen by the Crystal, however, due to his young age, he cannot explain very well what he saw in the vision.

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