Difficult Decision

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Raiga told everything to Zephyr, or should we say Yozora. The fall of Ilium, and about the Queen's decision to protect her only son. Yozora never thought that he lived so many years by his mother's side, he always believed that he was younger than Prince Noctis and only spent four years of his life by Queen Elicia's side.

"Thank you Raiga." Yozora took the ring from his Knight's hand, then without hesitation, he wear the ring.

When he did this, blue dust appeared out of nowhere floating. A creature then appeared who immediately recognized Prince Yozora.

"Zora, we meet again, kupo!" Tears welled up in the moggle's eyes the moment he saw the prince

"A moggle?" Yozora approached the creature. "Are you my moggle?" the prince pokes the moggle's cheek.

"I am, and I hold within me the memories you sealed away before the Crystal turned back time." The moggle grabbed Yozora's finger with both of its small hands. "My name is Lamie, I'm so happy to see you again, kupo."

Noctis had never seen a Moggle before, so he was a bit curious when he saw one appear out of nowhere. He got closer to get a better look, that's when Lamie noticed the presence of Noctis, the man with whom he spent 12 years of his life.

"You are here too, Prince Noctis." Lamie flew closer to Noctis.

"It seems I knew you from before, but I can't remember you. I'm sorry." Noctis felt bad for Lamie, he was so happy to see them, but they don't remember anything about him.

Lamie shook his head, "No need to apologize, I knew this would happen. But you do look a little different from the Prince Noctis I once knew."

The Noctis Lamie speaks of was a cold man of few words, who never smiled or apologized for his mistakes. But, the Noctis in front of him looks like a kind man who would certainly smile. On the other hand, Yozora seems to be the cold man of few words, did their personalities change?

"Did I change that much?" Noctis was a bit curious as to who he was before the Crystal turned back time.

"You'll be surprised if I tell you, even Zora wouldn't be able to believe it."

Compared to the Noctis that Yozora knows, the other Noctis wanted almost everyone to treat him with respect; he was a prince after all. He was usually easily angered and hated when someone tried to pull a prank on him, things that the current Noctis would only laugh at. Most of the time he will treat kindly only those who are close to him, those whom he does not know or hardly knows, he will not care about them at all. His father told him millions of time to fix that personality of his, yet the prince never listened to the king.

Even if King Regis told him that if he continues to act the way he does, he could never become the future king, because the citizens would never allow it. In the minds of the people of Insomnia, Noctis was unfit to become the future ruler. From the beginning, he never wished to become king, so Noctis did not care about the opinion of the citizens. He always did what he wanted, regardless of what others thought of him.

That was one of the reasons why he left Insomnia, because he didn't want to become the future king and marry a girl he had never met before. The only thing Prince Noctis wanted was to find out what happened to Yozora, the only person he loved and to whom he gave his innocent heart.

"So I traveled with Noctis to different places, looking for clues as to what happened to Zora. I watched as the prince got into trouble countless times, always being saved by his three trusted companions." Lamie commented.

"Prompt, Ignis and Gladiolus, right?" Noctis asked wanting to confirm if the friends he has now are the same.

"Yeah, those were their names. Good friends who always get you back anytime, kupo." Lamie smiled. "Although the mission you gave yourself was to find Prince Yozora, we couldn't find any clues, so we went to the last place; Altissia."

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