So Many Questions

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Their next destination was Lestallum, but it was going to take some time to get there, so Ignis decided it was better to camp outside than keep driving at night. There were no hotels nearby, the only option was camping and no one complained.

While Ignis prepared the food, Gladiolus along with Prompto set up the tents. Zephyr and Noctis went in search of wood to make a fire, they all had a job to do. This was necessary to avoid conflicts between members, no one was allowed to sit around doing nothing. Not even Noctis, who is the prince, no one around him treated him like royalty, because that's what he wanted. Zephyr no longer treated him like a prince, as Noctis told him not to treat him like one, he wanted to be a normal person for the rest of the time he had left.

After a while, everyone finished their jobs, and now they are sitting in front of the fire eating the food that Ignis prepared. As always, Ignis's food cannot be compared, he is a true master chef. Having someone like him by their side is a true blessing, without Ignis, everyone would starve to death.

The first to finish eating was Noctis, and the first to fall asleep as well. The prince didn't go inside the tent or anything, he fell asleep sitting in front of the fire. Zephyr thought of carrying the prince, carrying him inside the tent so he could sleep more comfortably. However, Prompto's voice prevented Zephyr from approaching Noctis.

"I thought about a wonderful idea." A bright smile painted Prompto's face.

"A wonderful idea?" Ignis repeated, feeling a little worried about Prompto's behavior.

"Noct is sleeping right now, how about you draw something on his face, Zephyr?"

"You've got to be kidding me, I'm not going to draw anything on Noct's face."

"Come on, don't you want to see his reaction?" Prompto pressed further on the matter, trying to convince Zephyr.

But no matter how much he begged, Zephyr was unwilling to agree to such a childish act, leaving Prompto with no choice but to do it himself. No one tried to stop him, they wanted Noctis to get angry and scold Prompto for doing such a thing.

He approached Noctis, determined to draw something on his face, but he didn't know what to draw. Prompto just looked at Noctis, thinking about what he should draw. This action annoyed Zephyr, he couldn't bear to see Prompto so close to the prince, so he decided to get him away from Noctis. Zephyr grabbed Prompto by the back of his jacket, then tossed him aside.

"What are you doing!?" Prompto complained.

"You are wasting too much time." Zephyr takes the marker from Prompto's hand and quickly draws cat whiskers on Noctis's cheeks.

Even when he did it quickly, Noctis still opened his eyes, seeing Zephyr standing near him holding a marker in his hand. The prince didn't expect Zephyr to do something like that, after all, he is such a serious and cold person.

"Did you have fun drawing on my face?" Noctis smiled, but the look in his eyes said he was really angry.

"It's not my fault, Prompto is to blame." After saying those words, Zephyr runs off, followed by Noctis, who yells at him to stop.

"Shouldn't we stop them?" Gladiolus asked as he looked at Ignis.

"Leave them alone, Noct is just playing around." Ingis answered confidently.


Zephyr and Noctis had gotten quite far from the others, Zephyr didn't want to give in, so he kept running away from the prince. He should have told Noctis he was sorry in the first place, but instead he decided to run away. Zephyr thought that he could escape from the prince, however, that was not the case.

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