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In the middle of the desert, the Regalia broke down, leaving four young men pushing the convertible to their limits. Prompto fell to the ground feeling completely exhausted, he couldn't move a single muscle to keep pushing the car. Noctis sat down, touching his forehead as he sighed.

Zephyr was lying in the back seat of the convertible, nearly passed out from the blazing sun. Ignis continued to sit in the driver's seat, while Gladiolus tried to stop the few passing cars to get help, but no one paid any attention to him.

"I think we can forget about hitching our way there." Gladiolus said as he walked over to Ignis, leaning his back against the car. "I thought people were friendly outside the city."

Ignis rested both hands on the steering wheel, "You can only go so far in the kindness of strangers. Just gonna push her all the way."

Gladiolus stretched, as Prompto complains that he has already pushed himself to the brink of death. Not caring about it, Gladiolus approaches him.

"Come on, get up." He kicks Prompto's leg, "The car isn't going to move on its own."

Noctis and Prompto get up at the same time, they weren't willing to keep pushing the car but if they don't keep pushing, then they will have to stay in the desert dying in this hot weather. Once again, the three men began to push the car.

"I thought the car was supposed to move us." Prompto groaned as he pushed the car.

"This is unbearable." Noctis felt like his arms were killing him, pushing the car was too much for him.

"Not exactly a fairy tale beginning, huh, Prince Noctis?" Gladiolus joked trying to lighten the mood a bit.

Zephyr, who was dying from the heat, groans loudly. "This is torture, if I knew this was going to happen then I would never have agreed to escort Prince Noctis."

"Look, this things happen!" Prompto stated.

"Gladio, do me a favor." Said Noctis exhausted.


"Push this thing by yourself."

"All by myself?" Gladiolus didn't know if the prince had meant those words or was joking with him.

Prompto commented that Gladiolus wouldn't even notice if he and Noctis stop pushing the car, after all, those two aren't as muscular as him. However, Gladiolus can't be convinced by something like that, he can't push the car by himself no matter how muscular he is.

"If you don't want to push the car by yourself, then Ignis, come on...it's time to switch!" Noctis said breathlessly.

Ignis refused, they already changed, the only one who hasn't rested yet is Prompto. That means if they switch, then Prompto will be the one resting.

"I feel a little better now, we can switch now, your highness." Zephyr said as he got out of the car.

"That's not fair," Prompto complained. "You only switch with Noct."

"The whole purpose of being here is to keep the prince safe, making him push the car until he passes out, is not keeping him safe." As he always does, Zephyr used the same excuse to keep the others quiet.

"Let Prompto rest for a while, I can still push some more." After complaining to Ignis a while ago to switch with him, Noctis still refused Zephyr's offer.

"You are lucky, Prompto." Zephyr took Prompto's place and started pushing the car again.


The hours passed pushing the car without reaching Hammerhead; their destination, bringing the night. Through the night full of darkness, the strong cold wind blows and breaks the silence. Everyone felt refreshed, letting the cold wind hit their bodies, as they rested inside the convertible.

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