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In a single night, the promise of peace has been broken, the Crown City along with it. Putting their home behind them, the five friends set forth to find answers in Hammerhead.

On the way to Hammerhead, Zephyr felt tired and sleepy, unable to sleep well due to the strange dreams that torment him almost every night. Succumbing to exhaustion, Zephyr's eyes closed and his head fell onto Noctis's shoulder. The prince's gaze focused on Zephyr, seeing the bags under his eyes.

Noctis quickly came to the conclusion that Zephyr must have been dreaming about those strange dreams most of the time, enduring everything alone and yet continuing to act as if he was fine. Despite the suffering, he agreed to escort Prince Noctis to keep him safe at all times.

Noctis whispers, "I'm sorry." He couldn't help but feel guilty, blaming himself for Zephyr's suffering.


Arriving at Hammerhead, Zephyr was still sleeping, so Gladiolus was going to carry him out of the car in his arms, but Noctis stopped him.

"Let me do it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," Noctis said confidently as he carried Zephyr on his back.

After getting out of the car, Prompto saw Cindy standing next to a man he didn't recognize. The man is wearing a black hat, which covers most of his crimson hair and eyes.

Cindy became aware of the presence of Prompto and the others. "I'm glad everyone made it."

As she said those words, the man turned around, his golden eyes widening in concern as he saw Zephyr on Noctis's back. He quickly approached the prince, as he does, Gladiolus stood in front of Noctis like the shield that he is.

"Who are you?" Gladiolus questioned feeling suspicious about the man in front of his eyes.

"I am a member of the Black Knights, my name is Magia." He took off his hat and brought it close to his chest.

"Black Knights?" Noctis repeated, then remembered that name. "Are you Zephyr's subordinate?"

"Well... Zeph doesn't treat us like subordinates, we're more like comrades." He put his hat back on.

"Have you come to see Zephyr?" Ignis asked joining the conversation.

"Yes, I was worried about a certain matter related to Zeph." Magia's gaze fell to the ground. "Is he doing well?"

Noctis felt conflicted on what to say, not sure if Zephyr was alright or not. He suffered a leg injury and passed out from exhaustion. To say that he is not well regarding his physical health would be the truth, however, Noctis cannot confirm anything about his mental health.

"He injured his leg and ended up passing out from exhaustion. It seems like he hasn't been sleeping well lately." Noctis answered truthfully.

"Is that all?" Magia looked up, now facing the sad expression that painted the handsome face of the prince.

"What do you mean?"

"A leg injury is nothing to my commander, he can heal it in no time and having insomnia is nothing new. I think I worried about nothing, but I still need to check something regarding Zeph."

Noctis was a bit reluctant to leave Zephyr in Magia's care, however, he had no choice. Right now, the prince must talk to Cor about what happened with the peace treaty, so taking care of Zephyr is out of the question.

Unwilling, Noctis left Zephyr in Magia's care and told him to go to the nearby hotel so that Zephyr could rest in a warm and comfortable bed. Magia reassured the prince, doing everything he was told to do.

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