Ring's Memories Part 2

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Yozora decided to stay a few days at the citadel, spending some time with young Prince Noctis before returning to fulfill his duties as future king. But during his stay in Insomnia, Yozora noticed that Noctis is more responsible than before, although he still behaves like a spoiled child when he is with Yozora.

But still, at his young age, Prince Noctis was trained almost daily to become strong enough to protect himself. The boy was serious about protecting Yozora, therefore he had to become stronger each passing day.

The future king saw the boy training alongside Ravus, he was still clumsy, not knowing how to hold a sword properly. Yozora watched Noctis train for a while, until Ravus noticed his presence.

"Prince Yozora, why don't you join us?" He gave Noctis a sword, which the boy struggled to hold.

"I don't think that's a good idea, besides I don't have any weapons with me." Yozora declined Ravus's request, but Noctis wouldn't give up so easily.

He dropped the sword, then ran towards Yozora, stopping right in front of him. "Zora, spar with me, please!" The boy begged.

Yozora looked at Ravus, seeking an answer from him. "Ravus, do you think that's a good idea?"

"Yes, it will be beneficial for Prince Noctis."

Noctis grabbed Yozora's arm, guiding him to the training area.

"Okay okay, I'll spar with you, but don't complain later." Yozora warned him, but the boy didn't seem to listen to him.

Ravus handed Yozora a wooden sword, then stepped aside, giving space to the princes. Yozora gripped the wooden sword tightly, while Noctis was struggling to hold it properly. Ravus corrected the boy's posture, then explained to him how to fight properly.

With a nod from Ravus, Noctis took the initiative to attack Yozora, but his movements were slow and predictable. He avoided Noctis's attacks with ease, not wanting to hurt the boy, he dodged all of them.

"Come on Zora, stop avoiding my attacks!" Noctis complained, feeling frustrated for not hitting him even once.

"Just concentrate on your opponent, don't rush." Ravus encouraged Noctis.

The boy stopped for a moment to catch his breath, then attacked again, but the same as before, the prince dodged Noctis's attacks with ease. Then he took the chance to counterattack, lightly touching the boy's body with the tip of the wooden sword.

"You lost, little prince." Yozora smiled victoriously.

"Just look, when I grow up I will be stronger than you and be able to protect you with pride." Noctis declared, then he threw away the wooden sword, turning around, then leaving the training area.

"Noctis..." Yozora felt guilty about hurting the boy's pride, but it's not like he did it on purpose, it just happened.

"Don't worry Prince Yozora, Noctis needs to learn how to lose in battle." Ravus tried to calm him down.

"I was planning on saying goodbye today, but if I leave without saying goodbye he'll probably get angrier." Yozora sighed.

"I don't think Prince Noctis is angry, he's just frustrated, go talk to him." Ravus encouraged Yozora.


Yozora went to Noctis's room, knocking several times, but an answer never came, so he decided to enter without permission. When he opened the door, he saw the little boy standing on a chair, trying to reach something on top of the closet. He approached Noctis, then lifted him in his arms, putting the boy back on the floor.

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