Royal Tomb

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Noctis grabs both of Zephyr's hands, looking directly into his mismatched eyes. Now that he knows the truth, the prince will try harder than ever before and won't let anything stand in his way. For the sake of Zephyr and his father, who gave his life to protect him. Being depressed and doing nothing would just let the late king down.

"I will become king, I will not let anyone down." Noctis confessed confidently.

"I don't want you to become the king," Zephyr looks down.

"What?" Noctis was confused by Zephyr's sudden words, not understanding why he didn't want him to become the king. If he doesn't become king, many will suffer and Zephyr will turn into a crystalline monster.

"When the crystal chose me, I saw the fate of the king of kings." Zephyr got up from the bed and walked to the window.

"My fate?" Noctis muttered.

Zephyr tapped on the window: "Do you want to know about it?" He asked without daring to look at Noctis.

"I'm ready to know." Noctis tightened his grip on his black pants.

Zephyr explains that the purpose of the ring is to grant the True King the power of Providence, which harnesses the light of the crystal and the kings of yore to cleanse the Starscourge at the cost of the king's life. Only the Chosen can receive the throne, and it only costs one life: theirs. The King of Kings will be granted the power to banish darkness, but he must pay the price in blood.

"Did my father knew all of this?" Noctis wanted to know if his father knew about everything, since he struggled seeing his father grow frail before his eyes, with knowledge that he would need to succeed the throne, but not knowing the truth behind it.

"Yes, he knew, but he didn't dare to tell you." Zephyr looks at Noctis.

Regis had inherited the task of upholding the magical Wall that isolates Insomnia from the rest of Eos, but doing so drains his life-force and he thus ages rapidly. His seat of power is in the Citadel, one of the most prominent buildings in Insomnia, where the Crystal is also kept. The Crystal is a magical artifact said to have been gifted to the Lucis Caelum line by the gods two thousand years ago. The kings are sworn to protect it until the coming of the prophesied King of Light, a person chosen by the Crystal from this bloodline to save the world from darkness.

In M.E. 741 Regis learned from the spirits of the old kings that Noctis is the True King, and was chosen as a "king of yore." This led to Regis establishing the Kingsglaive as his personal guard, an elite group of soldiers from the outlands of Lucis who wield Regis's power. Perhaps motivated by the knowledge of the dark future that lay before them, Regis wanted Noctis to live a regular childhood, and the prince attended a normal school, became best friends with a commoner, and even worked a regular part time job as a teenager.

Regis believes those of his royal bloodline are strong of heart and will, but is deeply saddened by the fate that awaits Noctis as his son's safety is his first priority. He helps Noctis grow and shows him what it means to be a king. However, he never told him about the fate that awaited him, and sent his son to his wedding with a smile on his face, hoping that Noctis would one day understand why he sent him away without telling him the truth.

"I get it, telling your son he's going to die soon isn't easy." Noctis said quietly.

"After knowing what awaits you, do you still want to become the king?"

"Yes, that is my duty, I cannot fail my people and my father who gave his life to protect me."

Even if Noctis doesn't want to become king, he has no choice but to continue on this path. If he leaves his duty behind, the world will be covered in darkness, leading to the age ruled by the beasts of the night; the Daemons.

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