Disc Of Cauthess

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When Zephyr reached the bottom, everyone looked at him with curious eyes, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"Noct will be here any minute, if that's what you guys want to know." Zephyr thought they wanted to know if the prince would slide down or not.

Seeing that Zephyr was acting normal, Ignis quickly realized that the prince must have discussed something else with him, instead of telling the young man what is important. After a few seconds, the prince reached the bottom and instantly felt Ignis' gaze on him. Thinking that he was going to be scolded for acting the way he did, Noctis sincerely apologizes.

"What matters is that you are here now." Prompto said touching Noctis's shoulder.

"Come on, we shouldn't waste any more time." Gladiolus hurried everyone forward.

The cold grew worse as they ventured into the cave, to the point that Zephyr used the elemancy of fire to keep everyone warm for at least a few minutes. He couldn't use it continuously as it drained his magic, just 20 minutes was enough to drain a considerable amount of magic. Keeping the flame alive burned its magical energy faster than casting high level elemancy.

But it was not only that, this cave is made of ice, so keeping the flame for long periods of time could be dangerous. The entire cave could collapse, burying them alive. Zephyr only held the flame long enough to warm up a bit, so as not to risk getting hypothermia. Compared to the other royal tomb, they didn't take their time on this one. For the sake of not freezing to death inside this place, everyone hurriedly evaded the monsters they encountered along the way.

When they reached the end of the cave, there was a large door, probably behind it was the royal tomb. But approaching it was not as easy as it seemed. Countless monsters appeared out of nowhere, guarding the entrance to the royal tomb.

"Monsters are always getting in our way." Prompto quickly fired his weapon, hitting the enemies.

Ignis and Gladiolus worked together, slashing down enemies as a powerful team. Noctis used his warp strikes, preventing the monsters from having a shift to counterattack. In the end, Zephyr cast firaga, burning each one of them to dust.

"I feel like we're relying on Zephyr too much while killing these monsters." Prompto immediately couldn't help but feel useless.

"He can cast elemancy after all, and fire kills ice." Ignis declared.

"We are a team, Zephyr needs time to cast and we are the ones who give him that time." Gladiolus said as he finished off the enemy that didn't die in the flames.

Noctis walks to the big doors, then uses the key Cor gave him to open them. The place looks exactly the same as the other two royal tombs; the coffin is located in the middle of the room, and above it is a statue holding the royal arm. Noctis walks over, then raises his hand to the front, claiming the royal arm. Just like before, the weapon flew into the sky covered in bright light and then flew into Noctis's chest.

With the third royal arm, Noctis can now conjure the Armiger: Armiger summons spectral versions of the royal arms around Noctis. For 10 seconds (can be increased to 15 seconds if Noctis gets stronger), it augments the prince's strength and speed, turns all of his movements into warps, makes his warp-strikes more powerful, and prevents him from falling into Danger state. Using the royal arms in Armiger does not drain Noctis's health, and he is not staggered by enemy attacks, making him an unstoppable force.

After retrieving the royal arm, Zephyr cast a spell to return everyone to the entrance. He rarely uses this spell as it drains a lot of magic, but this time it was extremely necessary. The moment they appeared at the entrance to the waterfall, Noctis's head began to throb once more. But this time instead of hearing a voice, he saw a vision that showed him an open field with something burning in the distance.

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