Ring's Memories Part 6

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After Yozora learned of the past Ardyn shared with his father Requiem, many questions floated through his mind. But he did not express any of them, he simply had listened to the story in silence. Now he regretted not asking anything, because there won't be a second time to talk to Ardyn. However, it was now too late to regret not asking any questions, as the man had already left and Yozora returned to the citadel.

It seems that Elicia and Requiem did not marry for love, it was simply to fulfill their duties, especially for Requiem. They lived in a world many years ago in the past, and the reason they continued to exist so many years later was because they are Lucii who fulfilled their focus and entered crystal stasis to gain immortality.

Probably one of the reasons Yozora was born so many years in the future was because Requiem couldn't love Elicia. There is a possibility that he was not born out of love, but was simply a replacement for his father, to become the next king if something bad happened to Requiem.

Feeling disappointed, Yozora was lying in bed, wondering if he should tell his mother the story he heard from Ardyn. It's been a few days since he heard about his father and he still can't say anything to anyone.

There is another reason why he decided to remain silent, and that is because Prince Noctis's eighth birthday is approaching.

The little prince had told Yozora that he planned to celebrate his birthday in the kingdom of Ilium, so worrying Elicia at a time like this doesn't seem right. She's busy getting everything ready for Noctis' birthday, and besides, there's no guarantee that Ardyn's story is true.


On Noctis' eighth birthday, his servants escorted him on a journey to visit Crown City Aeos, wishing to see Yozora again and celebrate his birthday there. On their way to the Crown City, the car was attacked by the daemon Marilith, implying that Niflheim, the empire that has been at war with Lucis for hundreds of years, unleashed it.

"Protect his majesty!" A servant shouted, preparing to fight.

However, none of the servants were able to confront the daemon, their weapons simply did not cause any damage to Marilith. Seeing this, Noctis was paralyzed with fear, staring at the massacre that occurred before his eyes. One by one, the servants were killed.

The attack lasted only a few minutes and all of Noctis' servants were killed, except for one who was seriously injured. Marilith prepared to kill Noctis, but the last remaining servant protected the little prince with his own body.

Due to the severity of the servant's injuries, that last attack took away his last breath.

Now the only one left alive was Prince Noctis, but what could a little boy like him do against a daemon?

Marilith approached the little prince, planning to tear him apart as it did to the other servants. She hit him a few times, having fun torturing him.

The servants accompanying Noctis died, while the prince was seriously injured.

The boy couldn't do anything, he fainted from blood loss immediately.

But before Marilith could kill Noctis, a figure appeared between them.

Thanks to the vision the Crystal shared with him, Yozora was able to locate Noctis, but was unable to arrive in time.

The little prince lay unconscious on the ground, while all the servants were dead in a pool of blood.

"I'll take care of the prince, kupo." Lamie quickly flew towards Noctis, casting a healing spell.

Yozora didn't say anything, he simply went after the demon. He hadn't trained for a few days because he had been busy with some royal matters, so his body was a little out of shape, but he was still able to deal with Marilith, defeating her in a few minutes.

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